With House of the Dragon just around the corner, HBO Max has been releasing multiple promos to generate excitement amongst fans for the upcoming show. One...
Elio M. García Jr. recently shared an update about the casting for the upcoming Game of Thrones prequel “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” on Westeros.org,...
It’s almost time for House of the Dragon Season 2. On June 16, the program is scheduled to premiere on Max for a second season. We...
The Greens started the war on the wrong foot by killing Rhaenyra’s son Lucerys. Now, she is hungry for revenge and will stop at nothing to...
We have some exciting news to share about the upcoming season! Wiki of Thrones has received information that two major characters are set to return in...
Author George R.R. Martin recently posted on his website, Not A Blog, expressing his disappointment with how Hollywood approached adaptations of existing books and scripts. With...
With more promos and behind-the-scenes footage, House of the Dragon has finally revealed the title and the duration of the first episode of season two. Fans...
It seems like there isn’t much left between Princess Rhaenyra becoming Queen Rhaenyra. Armed with a vengeance and a hunger for power, Rhaenyra is a worthy...
As we approach the second season of House of the Dragon, a flurry of intriguing news emerges. The Twitter account Wake the Dragon has hinted at...
With another promo for House of the Dragon season 2 released, fans are afraid the makers are going to give away everything in these small snippets....