George R. R. Martin procrastinates writing The Winds of Winter in a Simpsons gag

Game of Thrones has enjoyed widespread popularity and has since then spun off into House of the Dragon. All the while, the book series by George R. R. Martin, on which the show was based, is yet to be completed. The Winds of Winter is supposed to be the next book in the series, and George has been working on it for a while now. The delay has become a meme at this point and was the subject of a gag in this week’s episode of The Simpsons. Watch it below.
The gag shows George R. R. Martin watching an episode of Opal on YouTube, which is The Simpsons’ parody of Oprah. A voice outside his room calls him out, asking him to finish the book. GRRM is shown grumbling and lying about finishing the book before returning to watching another YouTube video.
Behind him is a board with a bunch of hilarious ideas for the next book, including “Daenerys freak-out was dream” (we wish). An easy-to-miss genius bit of the video is a three-eyed crow on his desk, which is a perfect amalgamation of Game of Thrones’ Three-Eyed Raven, and a Simpsons gag where some creatures have three eyes as a result of nuclear radiation.
In the real world, though, George R. R. Martin is likely almost done writing (and procrastinating about) The Winds of Winter. In December, he revealed that he has about 400-500 pages left to write. He also said more recently that White Lotus Season 2 made him want to visit Sicily, but he isn’t going to do that before he finishes writing the book.
Three eyes crossed for Winds of Winter to be released in 2023! Talk to us on our Discord server!
Read More: George R. R. Martin paused Winds of Winter to finish Fire & Blood for House of the Dragon release