What happened during the Battle of the Burning Mill?
The first battle in the Dance of the Dragons.

Season 2 of House of the Dragon was much bloodier than Season 1, but it drew mixed reactions from fans. While viewers expected battle scenes even gorier than Game of Thrones, they were surprised by how battles were depicted.
Due to the show’s limited number of episodes (8 per season) and being only four seasons long, many iconic battles from Fire and Blood did not make it into the show. However, the Battle at Rook’s Rest and the Battle of the Burning Mill were among the most significant that made it into Season 2. This article dives deeper into the lore behind The Battle of the Burning Mill.
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What was the Battle of the Burning Mill?

Credit: HBO
The Battle of the Burning Mill is a significant event in as it marks the first major battle in the Dance of the Dragons. Though it was not the first victory in the civil war, it was the first conflict to lead to substantial bloodshed.
How the battle unfolded in Fire and Blood

Credit: Jota Saraiva
The Battle of the Burning Mill played out differently in George R.R. Martin’s book, as compared to House of the Dragon.
Before the Battle
Prior to this battle, Prince Daemon Targaryen captured Harrenhal, the largest castle in the Seven Kingdoms, without any casualties (known as the Assault on Harrenhal).
Key Players
- House Blackwood: Led by Lord Samwell Blackwood, who declared for Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen.
- House Bracken: Led by Ser Amos Bracken, who sided with King Aegon II Targaryen.
In 129 AC, Lord Samwell Blackwood sent raiders to attack Bracken territory. In retaliation, Ser Amos Bracken mobilized his forces and advanced into Blackwood lands. The Blackwoods caught the Brackens off guard near a river, possibly the Red Fork.
Key Moments in the Battle
- Ser Amos Bracken and Lord Blackwood faced off in single combat, with Ser Amos emerging victorious.
- However, Ser Amos was killed by an arrow, rumoured to be fired by Lord Samwell’s younger sister, Alysanne Blackwood.
- The nearby mill was set ablaze, giving the battle its name.
Despite their losses, House Blackwood emerged victorious. Ser Raylon Rivers led the surviving Bracken soldiers in retreat, while Prince Daemon Targaryen seized control of the Bracken castle, Stone Hedge.
The Battle of the Burning Mill in House of the Dragon

Credit: HBO
In House of the Dragon Season 2, the Battle of the Burning Mill emerges as a significant yet controversial conflict, primarily depicted off-screen. Despite the lack of direct visuals, the battle is portrayed as a bloody encounter with hundreds of casualties, setting the stage for the brutal realities of the Targaryen civil war, known as the Dance of the Dragons.
The prelude to the conflict
The conflict ignites when Davos Blackwood confronts Aeron Bracken regarding the placement of boundary stones that demarcate the territories of their respective houses. This seemingly minor dispute escalates into a major confrontation, reflecting the deeply rooted animosity between the Blackwoods and Brackens.
The ancient feud
The argument over the boundary stones is emblematic of the longstanding feud between the two houses. While Davos claims that the Brackens are encroaching upon Blackwood lands, the reality is that there are likely no substantial grounds for their dispute beyond the historical enmity that has persisted for generations. This feud serves as a backdrop for the conflict, illustrating how ancient grievances can flare up amidst the chaos of civil war.
Political tensions and allegiances
As tensions rise, the discussion shifts to the claims of Rhaenyra Targaryen and Aegon II Targaryen to the Iron Throne. The two houses, having declared for opposing sides in the civil war, find their personal grievances intertwined with larger political allegiances. This escalates the conflict, as it is not just a territorial dispute but also a reflection of the broader conflict engulfing Westeros.
The First Battle of the Dance of the Dragons
The clash between the Blackwoods and Brackens ultimately leads to what is recognized as the first significant battle of the Dance of the Dragons. Known as the Burning Mill, this conflict marks the beginning of actual bloodshed in the civil war. However, it is worth noting that the Small Council in King’s Landing, particularly Jasper Wylde, dismisses the battle as a mere skirmish. He argues that it is nothing more than an excuse for the Brackens and Blackwoods to settle their ancient scores rather than a true engagement in the war.
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Quick Answers
Who are the Blackwoods and Brackens?
The Blackwoods and Brackens are two ancient houses in the Riverlands with a long-standing rivalry. Both claim to be the original rulers of the Riverlands, and their feud has lasted for centuries.
Why are they always feuding?
Their feud originates from a dispute over who was the rightful King of the Riverlands. Each house claims the other usurped them, and the truth has been lost to history.
Where were they during Game of Thrones?
Both houses appeared briefly, siding with Robb Stark during his rebellion against the Lannisters and supporting his cause to make the Riverlands an independent kingdom.
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