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Interactive Game of Thrones Map of Westeros, Essos and Sothoryos

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If only there was a magical spell that could transport us from this reality to the one where dragons, daggers, and dreams come alive! Explore this interactive Game of Thrones map to see the locations of many popular regions mentioned in the show.

The Lands of Ice and Fire: Maps from King's Landing to Across the Narrow Sea
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What is the Interactive Game of Thrones Map?

In the fictional world created by George R.R. Martin, there are many lands and regions widely unheard of. To make it easier for a Game of Thrones fan to explore uncharted territories, we present this Interactive Game of Thrones Map of Westeros, Essos, and Sothoryos. From Lannisport and the Iron Islands to the Waes Dothrak and Mereen, this extensive map tells you where the mighty Dothraki rode their majestic horses and the place the cunning Lannisters call home, among more.

Moreover, this interactive Game of Thrones map will also make it easier for you to chart Daenerys’s journey to the West to claim her birthright.

How does the Interactive Game of Thrones Map work?

The Interactive Game of Thrones map is incredibly easy to use. You can scroll through areas, East to West and North to South. But the fun doesn’t stop there! Use the key on the right side to explore castles, ruins, kingdoms, and even iconic landmarks including Tumblers Falls and Crossroads Inn.

Every city and castle ever mentioned in the famous HBO series will find its place on this comprehensive map. You can zoom in to really get the lay of the land. Start in the North, the land of the Wolves, and make your way from there. The objective of this interactive Game of Thrones map is to give fans of the show an idea as to what lies where.

Disclaimer: Game of Thrones Map by Wiki of Thrones is not affiliated with Game of Thrones, George R. R. Martin, or HBO/WBD. All trademarks belong to their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Key Locations


The North

  • Winterfell: Ancestral seat of House Stark
  • The Wall: 700-foot ice fortification defending the realm
  • Bear Island: Home of House Mormont
  • The Dreadfort: Seat of House Bolton

The Vale

  • The Eyrie: Impregnable seat of House Arryn
  • The Bloody Gate: Fortress guarding the High Road

The Riverlands

  • Riverrun: Ancestral castle of House Tully
  • The Twins: Strategic crossing controlled by House Frey

The Westerlands

  • Casterly Rock: Ancestral seat of House Lannister
  • Lannisport: One of the major ports of Westeros

The Reach

  • Highgarden: Seat of House Tyrell
  • Oldtown: Oldest city in Westeros, home to the Citadel

The Stormlands

  • Storm’s End: Ancient fortress of House Baratheon
  • Tarth: Island known as the Sapphire Isle


  • Sunspear: Seat of House Martell
  • Water Gardens: Private retreat of House Martell

The Crownlands

  • King’s Landing: Capital of the Seven Kingdoms
  • Dragonstone: Ancestral seat of House Targaryen

The Iron Islands

  • Pyke: Seat of House Greyjoy
  • Old Wyk: Sacred island to the ironborn


Free Cities

  • Braavos: City of canals and home to the Iron Bank
  • Pentos: Wealthy port city
  • Volantis: Oldest and largest of the Free Cities

Slaver’s Bay

  • Meereen: Largest of the three great slave cities
  • Astapor: Home of the Unsullied warriors
  • Yunkai: Known for its bed slaves and pleasure houses

Dothraki Sea

  • Vaes Dothrak: Only permanent Dothraki settlement


  • The House of the Undying: Temple of the warlocks

Ruins of Old Valyria

  • Smoking Sea: Treacherous waters surrounding the Valyrian peninsula


  • Naath: Island known for peaceful inhabitants and deadly butterflies
  • Basilisk Isles: Pirate haven off the northern coast

Historical Events

  1. Aegon’s Conquest (1 AC)
    • The Field of Fire: Near the Goldroad, where three dragons defeated the combined Lannister and Gardener forces
    • Harrenhal: The greatest castle in Westeros, melted by dragonfire
  2. Dance of the Dragons (129-131 AC)
    • Dragonpit: In King’s Landing, where smallfolk stormed and killed several dragons
    • God’s Eye: Site of the battle between Daemon Targaryen and Aemond One-Eye
  3. Robert’s Rebellion (282-283 AC)
    • Tower of Joy: In Dorne, where Eddard Stark found Lyanna Stark
    • The Trident: Where Robert Baratheon slew Prince Rhaegar Targaryen
  4. War of the Five Kings (298-300 AC)
    • Whispering Wood: Where Robb Stark captured Jaime Lannister
    • Blackwater Bay: Site of Stannis Baratheon’s failed assault on King’s Landing

Geographical Trivia

  1. The Neck: The swampy region connecting the North to the rest of Westeros is home to the mysterious Crannogmen and the moving castle of Greywater Watch.
  2. The Five Forts: Massive fortresses in eastern Essos that predate the Long Night, similar to the Wall in Westeros.
  3. Asshai: A city at the edge of the known world, said to be so large it could contain King’s Landing, Oldtown, Qarth, and Pentos within its walls.
  4. The Fourteen Flames: A chain of volcanoes in Old Valyria, whose eruption caused the Doom of Valyria.
  5. Sothoryos: This continent is said to be a land of “green jungles, blue corsairs, gold, gems, and more plagues than a man can count.” Its full extent remains unknown.


Is there an official Game of Thrones map?

Yes, there is an official map of Westeros and Essos, which is featured in both the Game of Thrones series and the book series A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. The map is often used in the show’s opening credits to depict key locations and regions.

What are the Seven Kingdoms of Game of Thrones?

The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros are The North, The Riverlands, The Vale of Arryn, The Westerlands, The Reach, The Stormlands, and Dorne. These regions were independent before Aegon the Conqueror united them under the Targaryen rule. While called the Seven Kingdoms, Westeros consists of nine distinct regions, including the Crownlands and the Iron Islands.

What is the Game of Thrones map based on?

The map of Westeros and Essos is not directly based on any real-world geography, but George R. R. Martin has admitted that he drew inspiration from medieval Europe, particularly England, Scotland, and Ireland. The layout and climate of Westeros mirror aspects of the British Isles, with the icy North resembling Scotland and the warmer southern regions resembling the Mediterranean.

How realistic is the Westeros map?

While the map of Westeros is detailed and visually appealing, it is not entirely realistic. For example, the vast range of climates within a relatively small landmass and the extreme winters lasting years are fantastical elements. However, the map does a great job of creating a rich and immersive world that enhances the story.

Where is Meereen on the Game of Thrones map?

Meereen is located on the eastern continent of Essos, to the north of Yunkai and Astapor. It lies on the Slaver’s Bay, a major location in Daenerys Targaryen’s story arc, where she liberates the city from slavery and establishes her rule.

Where is Pentos on the Game of Thrones map?

Pentos is a large city located on the western coast of Essos, across the Narrow Sea from Westeros. It is one of the Free Cities and plays a key role early in Game of Thrones as the place where Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen are staying at the beginning of the series.

What’s the highest point in Westeros?

 The Lonely Light, the highest peak of the Eyrie in the Vale, is considered the highest point in Westeros.

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