Despite the immense popularity of the program, the actors of Game of Thrones never wavered from their dedication to their roots. Their grounded demeanor has won...
Fans have been captivated by Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon thus far. George R. R. Martin, the author of Fire and Blood, created...
Many of the memorable characters from Game of Thrones have stuck with viewers even after their fleeting TV appearances. For Emmy-winning actress Hannah Waddingham, portraying the...
Actress Hannah Waddingham won several accolades for her TV performances and was recently acknowledged as the greatest host in the history of Eurovision after recently co-hosting...
This year, Diamond Select Toys will launch a brand-new toy line. It’s introducing its first line of merchandise based on House of the Dragon, everyone’s new...
Despite having a brief appearance, Bella Ramsey, who played the brave and impressionable Lyanna Mormont on the HBO fantasy series Game of Thrones, captured the hearts...
Unlike other post-apocalyptic horror shows, HBO’s The Last of Us placed more emphasis on the story’s humanitarian elements than on jump-scares caused by zombies. One of...
George R. R. Martin is a modern-day literary icon. Because of the way he blends imagination and the real world, his writings have a unique taste....
One of the finest aspects of the Game of Thrones television series has always been the character casting. They’ve even pleased George R. R. Martin, the...
The standards for excellent television programming have increased to previously unheard-of levels during the past 20 years. Raising the threshold even further was largely made possible...