Daemon Targaryen, played by Matt Smith, is one of the most recognizable actors in the initial cast list for House of the Dragon. He is slotted...
In House of the Dragon Episode 7, “Driftmark,” the dimmed lighting of a scene was an intentional creative decision. However, fans were not happy with the...
House of the Dragon is based on George R.R. Martin’s book, Fire & Blood. Unlike A Song of Ice and Fire, which reads like a novel,...
In House of the Dragons, dragons are not a recent development. They have been around since at least the time of the Doom of Valyria, where...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon reached new heights after the premiere of the seventh episode earlier today. The episode begins with a grim tone, with Laena...
The marriage of Daemon and Rhaenyra in House of the Dragon episode 7 was enigmatic and unlike any we’ve seen on the show or its predecessor....
House of The Dragon is trying hard to relive the glory days of Game of Thrones and seems to have been highly successful so far. The...
All the episodes of House of the Dragon’s first season so far have lived up to the audience’s expectations. This is not an easy feat considering...
Game of Thrones fans are all hyped up about the new prequel House of The Dragon. The show has received a lot of love so far, the World...
King Viserys Targaryen’s (Paddy Considine) health rapidly declined with each episode. He looked old beyond his years while he was supposed to be in his late...