House of the Dragon and The Last of Us were the two shows that highlighted HBO’s programming for 2023. While the second season of House of...
Maisie Williams is known for her charismatic and fearless portrayal of Arya Stark in Game of Thrones. In the show, Arya doesn’t have much time for...
The Starks are the main focal point of Game of Thrones. They are the major POV characters, and each of the Stark children is special in...
The second season of House of the Dragon is much anticipated by fans, with a scheduled launch in the June of 2024. When the Dance of...
There is no dearth of burning questions and debates when it comes to Game of Thrones. The highly popular HBO show paved the way for more...
Natalie Dormer became famous for her roles in movies like Captain America: The First Avenger and The Hunger Games series, but her role as Margaery Tyrell...
Natalie Dormer is a British actress who excels at playing strong, politically astute female characters. She is best known for her work as Anne Boleyn in...
Hannah Waddingham is an acclaimed actress and has received many awards for her work on television. She is well-known to viewers of the television show Game...
The focus of the second season of House of the Dragon, the Game of Thrones prequel, will be the children, who are now being portrayed as...
Natalie Dormer is famous for playing Princess Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones. Margaery’s story as queen to different kings during the War of the Five...