The entertainment industry is ever-evolving with lots of new shows and movies. Despite that, Game of Thrones has remained one of the best shows to air...
House of the Dragon Season 2 releases on June 16. The hype is very evident in how the fans are reacting all over social media and...
Author George R.R. Martin has shared the first photo from his new sci-fi short film, “The Summer Machine” via Deadline. This short film is part of...
In a recent interview Emily Carey, the actor who portrayed young Alicent Hightower commented on House of the Dragon season 2. With the show about to...
The showrunner needed two weeks of preparations just to meet Matt Smith.
House of the Dragon season 2 is perched on the precipice of greatness. The latest Matt Smith interview by Variety also suggests the same. The actor...
Showrunner Miguel Sapochnik was sort of a bridge between the shows Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon. He knew the ins and outs of...
Actress Emily Carey, known for her role as the younger version of Alicent Hightower in House of the Dragon, now stars in Geek Girl, a new...
Jacob Anderson, who played an important role in Game of Thrones as Grey Worm, recently opened up about the show’s divisive finale. Even half a decade...
House of the Dragon focuses on The Dance of the Dragons, a story that tells of the Targaryen Civil War between the Blacks and Greens. The...