The Marvel Cinematic Universe has expanded beyond movies to include TV shows and animated media after the success of Avengers Endgame, which broke global box office...
Game of Thrones actor Kristofer Hivju who played the character of Tormund in the series is all set to star in an upcoming film, Red One....
Game of Thrones adorned the crown of the best TV show of the 21st century, and the crown was star-studded with some of the best talents...
The year 2023 has been proving itself to be quite fruitful for Game of Thrones celebrities, as well as Game of Thrones fans. For one, our beloved actors...
HBO’s The Last of Us is its new record-breaking steamroller; surpassing television ratings and viewership records with every new episode. The critics and the viewers are highly...
HBO’s The Last of Us was a unique take on post-apocalyptic horror, focusing more on the humane side of the storyline rather than zombie-infused jumpscares. There have...
Game of Thrones has been a platform for so many talented actors. These fine artists have gone on to perform their magic in other films and...
Game of Thrones boasted a plethora of the best acting talents in the television industry. Many of them have gone on to play significant roles in...
Game of Thrones’ Daenerys Targaryen has become a pop culture icon, and whether you like her character or not, you have to bow down to the...
The HBO adaptation of the Naughty Dog video game The Last of Us successfully completed its first season, and it was a roaring success. It broke a...