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Who is Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon?

The Rogue Prince of House Targaryen.



matt smith as Daemon in house of the dragon season 2
Credit: HBO

Daemon Targaryen, also known as the Rogue Prince, was a central figure during the Dance of the Dragons. As the younger brother of King Viserys I, Daemon believed he had a rightful claim to the Iron Throne. However, his brash nature and unpredictable behavior made him a controversial figure among the realm’s rulers.

In House of the Dragon, Daemon plays a crucial role in shaping the events leading to the Targaryen civil war. His rivalry with his nephew, Aemond Targaryen, and his actions throughout the conflict define much of the war’s narrative. George R. R. Martin’s Fire & Blood paints a detailed picture of Daemon’s ambition and military prowess.

Daemon’s marriage to Rhaenyra Targaryen was seen by many as an attempt to strengthen his influence and claim to power. The conflict between the Greens and the Blacks escalates around their union, as the realm is divided over succession.

In Game of Thrones lore, Daemon is remembered as a warrior and dragonrider. His bond with Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm, made him a formidable force in battle. Daemon’s strategies and personal conflicts were instrumental in the outcome of the civil war.

This article delves into everything we know about Daemon Targaryen, from his history in Fire & Blood to his portrayal in House of the Dragon.

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Quick Details

📜Quick Details:

Title: Prince Daemon Targaryen

Also known as: Prince of the City, Lord Flea Bottom, The Rogue Prince

Born: 81 AC

Died: 22nd day of the 5th moon of 130 AC (aged 49)

House: Targaryen

Culture: Crownlands

Allegiance: House Targaryen, Blacks

Father: Baelon Targaryen

Mother: Alyssa Targaryen

Sibling(s): King Viserys I Targaryen

Spouse(s): Lady Rhea Royce, Lady Laena Velaryon, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen

Played by: Matt Smith

Who was Prince Daemon Targaryen?


Credit: HBO

Prince Daemon Targaryen was a member of the Targaryen dynasty. He was the younger brother of King Viserys I Targaryen. He was also the uncle and consort of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, whom he married as her second husband.

Daemon was a renowned warrior and one of the most experienced fighters of his time. He wielded the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister and was a skilled dragonrider. His dragon was Caraxes, a fierce and powerful creature he rode into battle.

Daemon declared himself the King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea after a series of conquests. He played a central role during the Dance of the Dragons, supporting Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne against rival factions.

Daemon was the younger son of Prince Baelon Targaryen. His marriage to Rhaenyra came after her first marriage to Ser Laenor Velaryon. His alliances and actions were significant in shaping the Targaryen civil war.

Much of Daemon’s life is detailed in The Rogue Prince, or, A King’s Brother by Archmaester Gyldayn. The text chronicles his life, achievements, and his role in the conflict. He was one of the most controversial figures of his time. In the House of the Dragon television series, Matt Smith portrays Daemon.

In the Show

Daemon, Vaemond and Laenor at the Stepstones

Credits: HBO

Daemon’s Background

Daemon is the grandson of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Queen Alysanne. He is the son of Prince Baelon Targaryen and Princess Alyssa Targaryen. He is the younger brother of King Viserys I Targaryen.

Daemon attempted to claim the dragon Meleys, but Rhaenys Targaryen, his cousin, claimed the dragon instead. This caused tension between them. His father died of a burst belly, leading to a succession crisis resolved at the Great Council of Harrenhal, where Viserys was chosen as heir.

Viserys became king, and Daemon was his presumed heir. Ser Otto Hightower viewed Daemon as a threat to the realm. Daemon wielded the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister and rode the dragon Caraxes.

Daemon served as Master of Laws and later as Master of Coin on the Small Council during the early years of Viserys’s reign. Otto Hightower orchestrated his removal from both positions, intensifying their rivalry.

Viserys arranged Daemon’s marriage to Lady Rhea Royce. Daemon disparaged her and referred to her as his “bronze bitch.” Despite his rebellious nature, Viserys often defended his younger brother.

Daemon’s Actions and Rivalries

Daemon led the City Watch of King’s Landing and initiated reforms that included arming its members. He became infamous for his brutal law enforcement tactics. This earned him the nickname “Prince of the City.”

He often clashed with Otto Hightower, accusing him of being a leech who manipulated others for power. Otto, in turn, accused Daemon of being dangerous and impulsive. Their conflicts dominated much of Viserys’s reign.

Daemon briefly claimed the title of King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea after leading a campaign against the Triarchy. However, he later relinquished the title and returned to King’s Landing.

Daemon’s coat of arms featured the Targaryen three-headed dragon in red, adorned with gold scales. His helmet, forged from Valyrian steel, was shaped like a dragon’s head.

He later aligned with Corlys Velaryon to secure the shipping lanes of the Stepstones. Their alliance strengthened the Blacks during the Targaryen civil war.

Daemon and Rhaenyra

Daemon returned to King’s Landing during Rhaenyra’s childhood and formed a close bond with her. He gifted her a Valyrian steel necklace, symbolizing their shared heritage. This bond later developed into a romantic and political alliance.

After Rhea Royce’s death under suspicious circumstances, Daemon pursued Rhaenyra. Their relationship raised tensions within the court, as many viewed their union as controversial and politically motivated.

Viserys disinherited Daemon after accusing him of mocking the death of Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon. Daemon retreated to Dragonstone, where he maintained his claim to power.

Daemon later married Laena Velaryon. Their union produced two daughters, Baela and Rhaena. After Laena’s death, Daemon reunited with Rhaenyra, marrying her and solidifying their alliance during the Dance of the Dragons.

Daemon’s Actions in the Dance

Six years after the Stepstones conflict, we saw Daemon residing at Dragonstone. Here, he retrieved three dragon eggs from Dragonmont. He delivered them to the Dragonkeepers,. who delivered him a message from his daughter Baela, sent through Maester Gerardys. Baela informed Daemon that Corlys Velaryon had been injured in battle. She also warned him that Vaemond Velaryon would challenge Lucerys’s legitimacy and that she and Rhaenys were heading to King’s Landing for the Driftmark succession petitions.

Daemon shared the news with Rhaenyra and speculated that Rhaenys would not support Vaemond. Rhaenyra expressed concern about the growing influence of the Hightowers, particularly after her father’s declining health. The couple decided to travel to King’s Landing to address the matter directly.

Upon arrival, Daemon and Rhaenyra received a cold welcome. They visited the bedridden King Viserys and discovered his chambers in poor condition. Daemon informed his brother about Corlys’s injury and their reason for coming. He urged Viserys to assert Lucerys as the heir to Driftmark, but the king was too frail to respond.

Later, Alicent Hightower confronted Daemon and Rhaenyra. Daemon mocked the absence of a welcome and accused Alicent and Otto of exploiting Viserys’s frailty. He questioned Alicent’s actions, including her use of milk of the poppy to sedate the king and the removal of Targaryen heraldry. Alicent justified her decisions as upholding higher authority.

During the Driftmark petition, Viserys unexpectedly appeared to support Rhaenyra. Daemon assisted the frail king up the steps to the throne and placed his crown back on his head. After Viserys confirmed Lucerys as the heir to Driftmark, Vaemond Velaryon openly insulted Rhaenyra and her children. In response, Daemon executed Vaemond by beheading him with Dark Sister, ensuring he kept his tongue as promised.

Political Maneuvering

That evening, Daemon and Rhaenyra dined with Viserys, Alicent, and their families to celebrate the betrothals of Jace and Luke to Baela and Rhaena. Viserys made an emotional plea for family unity. Daemon shared lighthearted moments with Rhaenyra and expressed concern for his brother’s deteriorating health.

Despite the momentary peace, tensions arose after Viserys left the supper. Aemond taunted Rhaenyra’s children, calling them Strong boys, which led to a confrontation. Daemon intervened, staring down Aemond until he backed off. Afterward, Daemon and Rhaenyra returned to Dragonstone with their children.

The following day, King Viserys died, sparking a coup by the Greens in King’s Landing. They replaced Gold Cloaks loyal to Daemon and plotted to eliminate Daemon and Rhaenyra. Aegon II was crowned king, usurping Rhaenyra’s claim.

Rhaenys traveled to Dragonstone to inform Daemon and Rhaenyra about the coup and Viserys’s death. Daemon accused Alicent and Otto of murdering Viserys. He questioned why Rhaenys had not used her dragon to kill the Greens during the coup. The stress of the news sent Rhaenyra into premature labor.

Daemon convened a war council while Rhaenyra suffered through labor. He planned to secure their allies, including the Riverlords. Despite Rhaenyra’s orders to act with her consent, Daemon pursued his plans to strengthen their position in the conflict.

Daemon during the Crowning of Rhaenyra

Daemon interrogated knights and lords at Dragonstone to secure their loyalty. He used Caraxes to intimidate potential traitors. Rhaenyra gave birth to a stillborn daughter, whom they named Visenya. Daemon grieved on the beaches of Dragonstone while preparing for the conflict ahead.

After the child’s funeral, Ser Erryk Cargyll arrived with Viserys’s crown. Daemon crowned Rhaenyra as queen, kneeling to declare his loyalty. The Black Council convened, and Daemon assessed their military and political standing. He advocated for using their dragons to assert control over the realm.

The First Meeting of the Black Council

Daemon introduced Rhaenyra as Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. He outlined their forces at Dragonstone: 30 knights, 100 crossbowmen, and 300 men-at-arms. These numbers were enough to defend the island but insufficient to conquer Westeros. Daemon admitted uncertainty about City Watch loyalists’ responses. The support of Houses Celtigar, Massey, Darklyn, Staunton, and Bar Emmon was confirmed.
Rhaenyra mentioned House Arryn’s loyalty due to kinship through her mother. Houses Tully, Baratheon, and Stark’s positions remained uncertain. The Starks were reliable oathkeepers, while Borros Baratheon needed reminding of his father’s oath. Rhaenys reported Corlys Velaryon was sailing to Dragonstone, but his loyalty remained unclear. Rhaenyra and Daemon speculated the Lannisters would align with Otto Hightower.

Bartimos Celtigar argued dragon power was the key to victory. Daemon listed their dragons, including Syrax, Caraxes, Meleys, Vermax, Arrax, Tyraxes, and Moondancer. He pointed out the Greens only had three adult dragons. Unclaimed dragons in Black-controlled areas were potential assets. Daemon proposed taking Harrenhal as a strategic base before targeting King’s Landing.

Ser Erryk interrupted the council, announcing a galleon approaching Dragonstone with a green dragon banner. Daemon ordered battle positions and grabbed Dark Sister, ready to confront the visitors. The impending arrival marked a shift in their plans, adding urgency to the Black Council’s preparations.

Daemon’s Confrontation with Otto Hightower

Daemon confronted Otto on the Dragonstone bridge. Otto offered peace terms for Rhaenyra and Daemon’s allegiance. The terms included Rhaenyra keeping Dragonstone, with Jace inheriting it. Luke’s claim to Driftmark was secured, and Rhaenyra’s sons received positions at court. Otto promised pardons for their allies.
Daemon rejected the offer, insulting Aegon II as a drunken usurper. Otto defended Aegon’s legitimacy, citing his public coronation. Rhaenyra countered with oaths of loyalty sworn to her, but Otto dismissed them as void after Aegon’s birth. Rhaenyra tore Otto’s badge, calling him a traitor. Otto offered her a childhood memento from Alicent as a gesture of peace.

Daemon, enraged by Otto’s manipulation, threatened violence. Rhaenyra restrained him, promising an answer to the terms by morning. Daemon rebuked Rhaenyra for considering peace, emphasizing the Greens’ open declaration of war. They argued privately over the implications of the Song of Ice and Fire prophecy.

Daemon dismissed the prophecy, claiming dragons made the Targaryens kings, not dreams. He seized Rhaenyra by the throat in frustration. She realized Viserys never shared the prophecy with Daemon, signaling his lack of trust. Shaken, Daemon withdrew, leaving Rhaenyra to contemplate the gravity of their situation.

Daemon’s Preparations for War

Daemon ventured into the Dragonmont’s caverns, singing a High Valyrian song. Vermithor, King Jaehaerys’s former dragon, revealed himself with a fiery display. The dragon snarled but calmed as Daemon stood his ground. The encounter signified Daemon’s readiness to harness more dragons for the Blacks’ cause.

Daemon received news of Lucerys’s death at Aemond’s hands. He whispered the devastating information to Rhaenyra, deepening their resolve against the Greens. The tragedy fueled Daemon’s commitment to the war effort. His interactions with Vermithor and the loss of Luke underlined the escalating stakes in the conflict.

Daemon’s Confrontation with Rhaenys

Daemon intercepted Rhaenys as she returned to Dragonstone from Blackwater Bay. He insisted she remount Meleys to join him in attacking Aemond and Vhagar. Rhaenys resisted, citing her need for rest and supplies. Daemon argued that their combined efforts were necessary to defeat their enemies.
Rhaenys questioned whether Rhaenyra commanded this action. Daemon admitted Rhaenyra was absent, grieving Lucerys. He expressed frustration over handling the war alone while Rhaenyra focused on personal loss. Rhaenys sympathized, sharing her own delayed grief for her daughter Laena. She asserted Rhaenyra’s need for closure and warned against rash decisions fueled by anger.

Daemon hesitated, but his grief and frustration pushed him to blame Rhaenys for not killing Aegon and his allies earlier. Rhaenys dismissed his accusation, reminding him she could not act as a judge or executioner without Rhaenyra’s orders. Their confrontation ended unresolved as Rhaenys left.

This interaction highlighted the strained alliances within the Black faction. Daemon’s impatience contrasted with Rhaenys’s measured approach, reflecting differing strategies in pursuing their shared goal of defeating the Greens.

Daemon’s Interrogation of Mysaria

Mysaria was captured and brought to Dragonstone by Velaryon ships. Daemon interrogated her, accusing her of aiding Otto Hightower and betraying Rhaenyra. Mysaria admitted working for Otto but claimed it was purely transactional. She argued that Aegon would have been found regardless of her involvement.
Daemon’s anger flared as he blamed her for aiding Aegon’s usurpation and the resulting deaths. Mysaria remained unfazed, pointing out that Daemon lashed out because he could not confront his true enemies. Daemon stormed out, ordering Mysaria to be imprisoned as a traitor.

Ser Erryk attempted to defend Mysaria, but Daemon accused him of disloyalty. Erryk argued his loyalty to Rhaenyra, but Daemon demanded to know why he did not kill Aegon when he had the chance. Their tense exchange was interrupted by Rhaenyra’s return, signaled by Syrax’s roar.

Daemon’s Plot to Assassinate Aemond

Daemon sought Rhaenyra’s approval to depart for Harrenhal but made a secret plan before leaving. He enlisted Mysaria’s reluctant help to identify a spy in King’s Landing. Using the information, he hired Blood and Cheese to assassinate Aemond. Daemon instructed them to kill another member of Aegon’s family if Aemond could not be found.

Blood and Cheese infiltrated the Red Keep but failed to locate Aemond. Instead, they murdered Prince Jaehaerys, Aegon II’s son, in front of his mother and sister. The gruesome act shocked the realm, escalating the feud between the Blacks and Greens.

News of Jaehaerys’s death reached Dragonstone, and Daemon’s satisfaction revealed his involvement. Rhaenyra confronted him, furious at the consequences. Daemon defended his actions as fulfilling her desire for vengeance, but Rhaenyra accused him of weakening their cause and tarnishing her image.

This incident strained their relationship, highlighting the moral and strategic divide between them. Daemon’s willingness to take drastic measures, regardless of consequences, added tension to their already fragile alliance.

Daemon’s Return to Harrenhal

Daemon departed for Harrenhal with Caraxes, determined to fortify the Blacks’ position in the Riverlands. Upon arrival, he swiftly claimed the castle, encountering minimal resistance. Ser Simon Strong, the castellan, surrendered and pledged allegiance to Rhaenyra. Daemon interrogated Simon about House Strong’s loyalties, specifically questioning Larys Strong’s role.

Daemon established Harrenhal as a base to rally the Riverlords. He commanded Simon to summon Lord Grover Tully despite warnings about Grover’s declining influence. Daemon remained resolute, aiming to consolidate support for Rhaenyra. Harrenhal became a strategic stronghold for the Blacks.

While at Harrenhal, Daemon experienced unsettling visions, including apparitions of a younger Rhaenyra accusing him of creating chaos. These visions affected his focus, but Daemon pushed forward with preparations for war. His leadership at Harrenhal marked a turning point in solidifying the Blacks’ military efforts.

Daemon’s Interaction with Alys Rivers

At Harrenhal, Daemon encountered Alys Rivers, a mysterious woman who resided at the castle. Alys spoke of Harrenhal’s dark history and commented on Daemon’s inner turmoil. She offered cryptic insights, suggesting he resented following Rhaenyra despite his devotion. Daemon dismissed her remarks but remained unsettled by her presence.

Alys advised Daemon on securing alliances, emphasizing the importance of House Tully’s support. Her knowledge of Harrenhal’s lore and ability to perceive Daemon’s struggles made her an influential figure during his time there. Daemon’s interactions with Alys reflected his reliance on unconventional sources of guidance.

As Daemon prepared for war, Alys’s influence grew. Her insights shaped his strategy, though her cryptic demeanor raised questions about her motives.

The Black Council’s Preparations

Back at Dragonstone, Rhaenyra learned of Daemon’s actions at Harrenhal and the growing army he commanded. Concerned about his intentions, she confronted him. Daemon reassured her of his loyalty, bending the knee and declaring his readiness to fight for her. Their exchange strengthened their alliance despite lingering tensions.

Daemon declared the Riverland army’s loyalty to Rhaenyra. His efforts to secure Harrenhal and rally the Riverlords solidified the Blacks’ strategic position. However, his visions and interactions with Alys Rivers hinted at deeper struggles within him. Despite these challenges, Daemon remained committed to Rhaenyra’s cause.

As the Black Council finalized their plans, Daemon’s leadership became pivotal. His ability to inspire loyalty and willingness to take risks made him a crucial figure in the Blacks’ war effort. The preparations at Harrenhal set the stage for the next phase of the Dance of the Dragons.

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In the Books


Credits: Douglas Wheatley

Appearance and Personality

Maester Yandel described Daemon as dashing, daring, and dangerous but quick to take offense. Archmaester Gyldayn called him ambitious, moody, and charming yet hot-tempered. Daemon was a skilled warrior, excelling in jousting, hunting, and swordplay. Despite being married to Rhaenyra Targaryen, he was unfaithful, taking Mysaria and possibly Nettles as lovers.

Daemon had many friends in King’s Landing, especially in Flea Bottom and among the gold cloaks. He was also popular in Pentos. However, Ser Otto Hightower intensely disliked him. As Commander of the City Watch, Daemon wore a gold cloak, carried Dark Sister, a Valyrian steel sword, and rode the dragon Caraxes.

Daemon was born in 81 AC to Baelon and Alyssa Targaryen during King Jaehaerys I’s reign. He had an older brother, Viserys, and a younger brother, Aegon, who died in infancy. Alyssa flew with him on Meleys when he was just a fortnight old.

As a youth, Daemon was adventurous and free-spirited. At sixteen, he was knighted and gifted Dark Sister by King Jaehaerys I. Daemon married Lady Rhea Royce in 97 AC, but he disliked both her and the Vale, referring to her as his “bronze bitch.” He supported Viserys’s claim during the Great Council of 101 AC, believing it would make him heir.

Daemon gathered a small force when rumors suggested Lord Corlys Velaryon might use his fleet to defend his son Laenor’s rights. However, this proved unnecessary. Daemon’s ambition and impulsiveness often put him at odds with others, shaping his reputation and relationships.

Early Reign of Viserys I

Daemon served briefly as master of coin and then master of laws under King Viserys I but found governance dull. His demeanor clashed with Ser Otto Hightower, who urged Viserys to remove him from the small council. Daemon became Commander of the City Watch, thriving in the role and gaining power.

He armed and equipped the City Watch, earning their loyalty. He introduced gold cloaks, leading to their nickname. Under his command, crime fell sharply due to his harsh punishments. Daemon gained a dark reputation in Flea Bottom, calling himself the “Prince of the City” while others dubbed him “Lord Flea Bottom.”

Daemon considered himself Viserys’s heir since the king had no sons. However, Otto proposed naming Rhaenyra Targaryen as heir. Viserys did not decide, hoping for a son. After Queen Aemma died birthing Baelon, who died shortly after, Daemon made cruel jests about the “heir for a day.”

Viserys, enraged, named Rhaenyra his heir and Princess of Dragonstone. Daemon resigned from the gold cloaks and left for Dragonstone with his lover Mysaria. While there, he impregnated Mysaria and gave her a dragon egg. Viserys demanded the egg’s return and ordered Daemon back to the Vale.

Mysaria’s ship was caught in a storm, and she lost the child. This event hardened Daemon against his brother. He continued to live on Dragonstone, estranged from the royal court and planning his next moves.

Conquest of the Stepstones

In 106 AC, Daemon allied with Corlys Velaryon to wage a private war in the Stepstones. Corlys provided the fleet, while Daemon led the forces with Caraxes. Daemon sought his own kingdom, while Corlys aimed to remove the Triarchy’s rule over the islands.

Daemon gained many enemies in Lys, Myr, and Tyrosh. In 108 AC, he killed Craghas Drahar, known as the Crabfeeder. By 109 AC, Daemon had conquered most of the islands and declared himself King of the Stepstones and the Narrow Sea, crowning himself with Corlys’s support.

The Triarchy, with Dorne’s aid, launched a massive fleet to reclaim the islands. Daemon’s position became precarious. Despite early victories, maintaining control of the Stepstones proved challenging due to constant resistance and lack of resources.

Eventually, Daemon grew bored of ruling his small kingdom. In 111 AC, he returned to King’s Landing during a tourney, offering his crown to Viserys as a gesture of reconciliation. Viserys accepted, restoring Daemon to the court, but tensions remained.

Daemon resumed his connections with the City Watch and frequented Flea Bottom. He spent time with his niece, Rhaenyra, enthralling her with tales and gifts. Their relationship raised eyebrows and created further rifts in the court.

Return to Court

Daemon’s return to court in 111 AC did not change his nature. He rekindled relationships in the City Watch and returned to the brothels of Flea Bottom. He maintained a cold relationship with Queen Alicent Hightower and her children, who pushed him further down the line of succession.

Daemon spent considerable time with Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. He praised her beauty, gifted her books and jewelry, and flew with her on dragons to Dragonstone. Their close relationship caused rumors and created tension with Queen Alicent and her supporters, the Greens.

Six months after Daemon’s return, he and King Viserys quarreled again. Sources differ on the reason. Grand Maester Runciter mentioned a vague disagreement, while others claimed Alicent wanted Daemon gone. Allegations surfaced that Daemon seduced Rhaenyra before her sixteenth birthday.

According to Septon Eustace, Daemon took Rhaenyra’s maidenhood, but Mushroom claimed he only taught her how to seduce Ser Criston Cole. When Rhaenyra approached Criston, he rejected her. Furious, Viserys exiled Daemon again after hearing of the alleged scandal.

Daemon returned to the Stepstones, resuming his struggle to maintain control of his barren kingdom. Despite his exile, his relationship with Rhaenyra remained a source of speculation and intrigue in the royal court.

Second Marriage

In 115 AC, Daemon’s first wife, Rhea Royce, died after falling from her horse. Daemon traveled to the Vale to claim Runestone, Rhea’s seat, but House Royce and Lady Jeyne Arryn refused his claim. Rejected, Daemon turned to Driftmark, where he met Laena Velaryon.

Laena, daughter of Corlys Velaryon, was betrothed to the son of a Braavosi Sealord. Daemon challenged the Braavosi to a duel and killed him with Dark Sister. While some believed Daemon loved Laena, others thought he married her to regain power through House Velaryon’s influence.

Daemon and Laena married without King Viserys’s consent and left Westeros for Essos. According to some, they explored the ruins of Valyria, but more reliable accounts suggest they toured Free Cities like Pentos, Volantis, and Qohor. Laena became pregnant, giving birth to twin daughters, Baela and Rhaena, in 116 AC.

After the twins were born, the family returned to Driftmark. Daemon wrote to Viserys, requesting to present his daughters at court for a royal blessing. Despite objections from the small council, Viserys agreed, believing fatherhood had changed Daemon. The family’s return marked a temporary reconciliation with the king.

Laena’s relationship with Rhaenyra grew close. They often flew their dragons together, strengthening ties between their families. Viserys supported this bond, and Rhaenyra betrothed her sons, Jacaerys and Lucerys, to Laena’s daughters, Baela and Rhaena. These arrangements solidified alliances between the Targaryens and Velaryons.

Tragedy and Third Marriage

In 120 AC, Laena Velaryon died in childbirth, and the baby also did not survive. Shortly after, Laena’s brother, Laenor Velaryon, was killed in Spicetown by his companion, Ser Qarl Correy. Rumors circulated that Daemon orchestrated Laenor’s death to clear the way for his next marriage.

In the same year, Daemon married his niece, Rhaenyra Targaryen. The marriage caused scandal, as neither Laena nor Laenor had been dead for six months. The sudden union angered King Viserys, but it solidified Daemon’s position as a central figure in Rhaenyra’s faction.

Daemon and Rhaenyra had two sons, Aegon the Younger and Viserys. Their marriage marked the start of a more united front against the Greens. Daemon supported Rhaenyra’s claim to the Iron Throne, further entrenching himself in the political struggles of the realm.

In 126 AC, Daemon acted against Ser Vaemond Velaryon, who questioned the legitimacy of Rhaenyra’s children. Daemon beheaded Vaemond and fed his body to Syrax, Rhaenyra’s dragon. This act eliminated a major threat to Rhaenyra’s children but further divided House Velaryon.

Daemon’s actions and alliances cemented his role as Rhaenyra’s staunchest supporter during the turbulent years leading up to the Dance of the Dragons. His bold decisions, though controversial, were driven by loyalty to his wife and his ambition to see her rule Westeros.

The Dance of the Dragons

King Viserys I died in 129 AC, sparking the civil war known as the Dance of the Dragons. Although Viserys named Rhaenyra as heir, the Greens crowned Aegon II. Otto Hightower and Criston Cole opposed Daemon as king consort, fearing his influence. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra gave birth to a stillborn daughter, Visenya, blaming her loss on the Greens.

Daemon advised Rhaenyra to rally support from Great Houses not aligned with Aegon II. During her coronation, Daemon crowned Rhaenyra with Jaehaerys I’s crown and declared himself Protector of the Realm. He led an assault on Harrenhal, capturing the castle without resistance, which helped rally the Riverlands to Rhaenyra’s cause.

Daemon later led the taking of Stone Hedge. After his stepson Lucerys Velaryon was killed by Aemond Targaryen, Daemon hired Blood and Cheese to murder Aegon II’s son Jaehaerys as revenge. The brutal act deepened the divide between the factions.

The Triarchy, allied with the Greens, sent a fleet against Rhaenyra. The Battle of the Gullet broke the Velaryon blockade and killed Daemon’s stepson Jacaerys. As Criston Cole marched on Harrenhal, Daemon abandoned the castle and returned to King’s Landing, aiding Rhaenyra in capturing the capital.

Daemon and Rhaenyra faced opposition even within their court. Lord Corlys Velaryon urged peace, but Daemon and Rhaenyra pursued vengeance. Rhaenyra sent Daemon and Nettles to track Aemond and Vhagar in the Riverlands. Daemon developed a close relationship with Nettles, causing further tension with Rhaenyra.

Final Days and Legacy

Rhaenyra, influenced by Lady Mysaria, declared Nettles a traitor and ordered her execution. Learning of this, Daemon helped Nettles escape. He then flew to Harrenhal, awaiting Aemond. After two weeks, Aemond arrived on Vhagar. During the Battle Above the Gods Eye, Daemon leaped from Caraxes and killed Aemond with Dark Sister.

Both dragons fell into the lake. Caraxes crawled to the shore and died, but Daemon’s body was never found. Many believe he perished, though songs suggest he survived and lived secretly with Nettles. Daemon’s death marked a turning point in the war, though his legacy endured.

Daemon’s ambition to claim the Iron Throne was never realized, but his sons Aegon III and Viserys II eventually ruled Westeros. His actions shaped the Dance of the Dragons, leaving a lasting impact on Targaryen history. Even the scars he left on Harrenhal’s weirwood remain as a reminder of his turbulent life.

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“Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”

―Daemon Targaryen in House of the Dragon

Aemond: You were a fool to come alone.
Daemon: Were I not alone, you would not have come.
Aemond: Yet you are, and here I am. You have lived too long, nuncle.
Daemon: On that much we agree.

―Aemond Targaryen and Daemon in Fire and Blood

Quick Answers

Who was Daemon Targaryen?

Daemon Targaryen was a member of House Targaryen, born as the second son of Prince Baelon Targaryen and Princess Alyssa Targaryen. He was a skilled warrior, dragonrider, and a prominent figure during the reigns of Jaehaerys I and Viserys I Targaryen. (Books and show)

What dragon did Daemon Targaryen ride?

Daemon rode Caraxes, a powerful and fearsome dragon known as the Blood Wyrm. Caraxes was a formidable beast that Daemon relied on in many battles, including the Dance of the Dragons. (Books and show)

Who were Daemon Targaryen’s wives?

Daemon had three wives. His first was Lady Rhea Royce, whom he disliked. His second was Lady Laena Velaryon, who bore him twin daughters. His third wife was his niece, Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, with whom he had two sons. (Books and show)

What role did Daemon play in the Dance of the Dragons?

Daemon was a key figure in the Dance of the Dragons, supporting his wife, Rhaenyra, in her claim to the Iron Throne. He led military campaigns, participated in battles, and was instrumental in securing alliances for the Blacks. (Books and show)

How did Daemon Targaryen die?

Daemon Targaryen died during the Battle Above the Gods Eye, where he fought his nephew, Aemond Targaryen, in a duel on dragonback. Both died in the battle when their dragons, Caraxes and Vhagar, crashed into the Gods Eye. Daemon’s body was never found. (Books)

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02/07/2025 03:02 pm GMT



  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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