Game of Thrones has had a great lot of characters over the years, and they’ve shared the spotlight, and many have eventually passed. However, some have...
Day by day we’re nearing the end of Game of Thrones. The show films for Season 8 as we sit back and speculate, and wait for...
Game of Thrones Season 7 finished with a lot of cliffhangers, but there was one that was just lurking around. Bran Stark was shown to be...
Game of Thrones Season 8 has been filming for a while, and we have had regular updates from the sets, but there hadn’t been rapid filming...
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains a potential major Game of Thrones Season 7 spoiler. Proceed at your own risk! Since it has been a long time...
Game of Thrones is about the most popular show on the face of the earth, but let’s face it, it’s not a show for everyone. So...
Game of Thrones has always been a show that has played with moral ambiguity. The characters in focus walk the line between good and bad, and...
Game of Thrones has been in the works for over eight years now, and the conclusion arrives next year. We have seen Game of Thrones change...
Game of Thrones Season 7 had quite a lot of people dying, and getting burnt alive. However, among the most notable characters to get roasted by...
Game of Thrones has a plethora of actors who have done brilliant jobs at portraying their respective characters, and the biggest challenge they face is while...