Game of Thrones continues to receive the support from its cast members amidst the relentless criticism of the show’s final season. From Emilia Clarke to Gemma...
It’s the generation of TikTok viral videos and no matter what we generally feel about them, we’ve all been caught giggling when we glimpse a good...
A few days ago we saw one of the biggest crossovers in the world of Television. HBO’s Westworld saw the cameos from the showrunners of Game...
Game of Thrones stars have a huge fan following across the globe. Their fans belong to different countries, communities, and sex. Such following also comes with...
The coronavirus outbreak is refusing to slow down around the world. People have been in lockdown for quite some time now depending on where they are....
Celebrating your birthday in a lockdown is a double edged sword. While there is definitely a disappointment of not being able to go out, there is...
The new Penny Dreadful series starring Game of Thrones actress Natalie Dormer is all set to release next month. During the time when the production and...
Game of Thrones was one of the most loved TV series ever made. The epic TV series had a number of much-loved characters, fabulous storylines, and...
The Coronavirus pandemic refuses to slow down and that means extensions of lockdowns all over. Our beloved George R.R. Martin too is currently in lockdown and...
When you anticipate and wait for something for a long time, it changes, just like you do. It has almost been a decade since the last...