The fantasy show of the century filled with British accents, Game of Thrones, is undoubtedly loved by the English. The show is based on books inspired...
HBO hit the jackpot when they decided to adapt the book series, A Song Of Ice And Fire, into the show of the century, Game of...
Whether it is Game of Thrones or its spin-off House of the Dragon, there will always be competition for the Iron Throne. House of the Dragon...
The newest promo from HBO Max’s Snapchat comes with a lot of fire, literally. We see Daemon Targaryen rising from flames on his dragon Caraxes. King...
During a recent interview with Newsweek, actress Emily Carey revealed that she felt scared of doing the intimate scenes in HBO’s House of the Dragon. She...
House of the Dragon quickly made a name for itself as HBO’s most-watched premiere episode in history and continues to soar in ratings with its latest...
King Viserys Targaryen is shown to have a sore on his back in the first episode of House of the Dragon. Throughout the series, we see...
The latest episode of House of the Dragon came with many new locations and surprises. It is the first time Game of Thrones fans had a...
Lady Olenna Tyrell was not one to be messed with. She was a sensation among the Game of Thrones audience for speaking her mind, and saying...
A lot happened in the last episode of the critically acclaimed show, House of the Dragon. One of the wisest, albeit late, decisions King Viserys I...