Sometimes a show becomes so popular, that it often hides other accomplishments of its cast. The show becomes their identity, people often recognize them by their...
Game of Thrones was a memorable experience for both the fans and the show’s crew. Rarely do we see a TV show achieve massive popularity as Game...
Some stars have such an enigmatic aura, you’re left mesmerized by them even if it’s just an interview. They know how to make any job fun....
Both Game of Thrones and House of The Dragon are full of tragedies; from the infamous Red Wedding to the murder of young Prince Lucerys Velaryon....
Game of Thrones author George R. R. Martin has been building his fantasy world since the ’90s. And it’s ever-growing. And the fandom grows along with it, welcoming new...
The city of Atlantis has been a legend and a myth for ages, and there have been many who have tried quite unsuccessfully to discover the...
Finding the one for you is an extremely daunting task, but not for someone like Leonardo DiCaprio. One of the most successful actors of all time,...
Video Games and TV show/movie franchises have often worked together to bring out the best of their respective worlds, providing the fans with the ultimate experience. The...
Some actors are so good at portraying a character that we end up thinking they’re born for this role. When you think of the character, that...
There were several memorable villainous characters in Game of Thrones, but few were as influential and admirable as Charles Dance’s Tywin Lannister. His mere presence on the screen...