Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon recently finished its Season 1 quite successfully. HBO recently greenlit another Game of Thrones spinoff; A Knight of The Seven...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon was one of the most anticipated shows of 2022, and is currently, a high-priority project at HBO. However, the prequel...
HBO’s latest blockbuster The Last of Us is already in the pre-production phase of Season 2. No one can deny the fact that the show has exceeded...
A desolated man who has lost everything, an orphaned child who needs to be delivered to a location, and the two end up forming an unbreakable...
There have been several iconic characters in the history of television shows, but none have managed to steal the screen as swiftly and in a very...
House of The Dragon Season 1 combined the best of everything we have come to love about the Game of Thrones franchise. Love, lust, loss, fear, blood, deception,...
A desolated man who has lost everything, an orphaned child who needs to be delivered to a location, and the two end up forming an unbreakable...
Some actors are known to be certified markers for the success of a show. They know how to make any job fun. Their presence simply lights...
The year 2023 has been proving itself to be quite fruitful for Game of Thrones celebrities, as well as Game of Thrones fans. For one, our...
The first season of House of the Dragon has left fans wanting more, and the show had been renewed for a second chapter even before the season...