“The Lord of the Tides,” the eighth episode of House of the Dragon, was one of the most painful episodes in Game of Thrones history. The...
The cast and crew have reportedly begun arriving in North Wales for the next leg of the shoot following Spain. Redanian Intelligence and locals have reported...
Recently, House of The Dragon Season 2 wrapped up production in Spain, and from the looks of things, it will be a lot more action-packed than...
The second season of House of The Dragon, the Game of Thrones prequel, is currently being developed at Leavesden Studios in the UK. Images and recordings...
The cast of House of the Dragon is so fantastic that none of us noticed how Olivia Cooke is just a year older than her on-screen...
Game of Thrones was renowned for its graphic, intricate, and bloody battle scenes, and the prequel House of The Dragon will use the same approach. Additionally,...
One of the few projects to have been unaffected by the WGA strikes is HBO’s prequel to Game of Thrones, House of The Dragon. Production is...
Season 2 of HBO’s Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is currently under production. Fans have so far showered the fantasy epic with love,...
The most anticipated TV show of 2022 was the Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon. It has tested all the criteria set before its...
After co-hosting Eurovision with Graham Norton lately, actress Hannah Waddingham received widespread acclaim and recognition as the best host in the event’s history. Most Game of...