Game of Thrones filming has wrapped up. It is expected to air in the first half of 2019. For the fans, it may be the most...
Game of Thrones is a mad show, with an insane range of characters, but there are few that stand tall above all. Quite literally. Yes, we’re...
August 14th, 2:03am August 14th, 2:10am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. In the recent months, we’ve...
Game of Thrones is currently nearing the end of its Season 8, and thus overall filming. The show will be wrapping up the production for one...
Game of Thrones Season 8 filming has sped up quite a lot in the last couple of weeks. The production has now moved to Dubrovnik, Croatia...
Game of Thrones Season 8 filming has been going on for a while now, and for a short time, the stars had taken a bit of...
August 20th, 8:48pm August 21st, 9:57am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Game of Thrones Season 7...
Game of Thrones Season 7 finished a while ago, and as some of you might know, Season 8 has already begun filming. The season is expected...
August 28th, 3:03am August 28th, 3:03am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, the actor...
Music composition in Game of Thrones plays its own part in propelling the story and foreshadowing future events. For instance, Arya Stark’s ‘Needle’ soundtrack gave us...