Game of Thrones has a history of killing off characters we love. The Season 7 finale, titled ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’, aired this Sunday, and...
July 26th, 1:08am July 26th, 1:08am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Melisandre, the Red Priestess from...
July 4th, 3:05am July 4th, 3:05am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Although the final season of...
The 9th episode of Game of Thrones season 6, Battle of the Bastards promises to be the biggest one till date and the fans are already...
Game of Thrones season 6 is almost over and we have only the final 2 episodes remaining, with the big battle in the North happening in...
Characters are killed on Game of Thrones like flies, and seeing as how many fan-favourites have died so far, we’d assume that some of them would...
Game of Thrones is a cash cow for HBO and they should not stop milking it this soon. The Harry Potter franchise is still alive, so...
November 14th, 2:10am November 14th, 2:10am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. More than a year from...
Game of Thrones has been a sensation pretty much since its inception back in 2011. It has been responsible for bringing huge viewership back to television....
April 8th, 12:04pm September 13th, 7:46pm Rashmi Bagri22 year old. Law student. Cancerian. Epicure. Unicorn and mermaid believer. Doing this for my love for dragons and...