Game of Thrones TV series ended more than a year ago. The final season of the show divided the fan-base into two. One loved it, the...
The year 2020 has proved to be the Longest Night humanity has ever faced. Even though the skies seem stark red as the Red Wedding (pun...
The hopes of new possibilities and opportunities are on the rise as the year 2021 slowly sets in. These also include new TV shows and movies...
Game of Thrones meant a lot to its actors. While for most it proved to be career-defining series, for someone like Sophie Turner it proved to...
Experiences that are important to us are generally like savings in our lives. We want to fall back on them as and when we wish so...
How do we assess the impact of a story – be it TV or film? Is there a yardstick, a standard? Most among us would agree...
Writing a book is a huge task. Even more so, when it’s a novel of a fantasy fiction series on which the most popular TV show...
Game of Thrones actors are scaling new heights with new projects now, and if you’re a fan of the cast, it’s a very interesting time. We...
Game of Thrones during its entire run consisted of many memorable and iconic characters. The character of the giant, Mag the Mighty was one such feature...
Fandom knows no bounds. Besides the regular people, celebrities too, are in awe of other celebrities. And they show no restraint in expressing their love for...