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Joe Dempsie (Gendry) finishes filming for Game of Thrones Season 8



Game of Thrones is currently filming for Season 8, and as you know, the filming is close to finishing, for good. While there’s some filming left to go, some of the stars are already done with the show. We recently reported about Hannah Murray, who plays Gilly, finishing her filming. Looks like yet another lead cast member has wrapped up, too. Joe Dempsie, who plays the role of Gendry, recently revealed that he is done filming for Game of Thrones Season 8. Read on!

As you guys might be aware, Con of Thrones, the Game of Thrones fan convention was recently held, and it was attended by quite a few Game of Thrones cast members. One of them was Joe Dempsie, who talked to Insider about having filmed his final scene, and how it was emotional. Dempsie said:

“I finished last week for good. It’s a very strange feeling actually. There have been people who have been finished periodically over the past month or so, and even watching other people finish was quite emotional at times.”

Apparently things got a little too emotional for him. Recalling his final scene, Joe said:

“I thought I was all right, I thought I was going to be fine. And then I happened to be finishing on the same day as a few other actors as well. When they did my little bit I was fine, but it was when they got to the other people that I lost it a little bit. I’m fine until I see someone else trying not to cry, at which point I’m done.”

He spoke about how he enjoyed filming for Season 8 because he got to work with more cast members:

“It was impossible to know how you were going to feel until it happened and then it just made us all reflect on the years gone by. This season was such good fun because everyone’s converging on Westeros now you get to see a lot more people because in years gone by you might be ships in the night. You might be filming in some other part of the world, so you wouldn’t really get to see people, whereas we got to hang out a lot together this year.”

He ended the interview speaking about how the show ending felt like the end of school, for him. It looks like Season 8 will have all our favorites converging again, which is quite exciting. What do you guys think? Any speculations about Gendry? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
