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Jonathan Pryce says fan hate for the High Sparrow shocked him



Game of Thrones has had a ton of characters that have played along the moral grey line, making you hate them, and love them as the story changes. However, there was at least one character, who was seen as the bad guy, the Dolores Umbridge of Game of Thrones: The High Sparrow. In a recent interview,Jonathan Pryce, who played the High Sparrow revealed that he was in fact shocked to find out that his character was hated by the fans. Read on!

Jonathan Pryce was recently interviewed by, and he discussed his role on Game of Thrones. Speaking of the hate, Pryce said:

“It surprised me when it was eventually shown on TV how many people said what a terrible man he was. I hadn’t for one minute thought he was the bad guy.

I saw him as the saviour of that society. He was the ultimate socialist. He works for the poor, he washed people’s feet, he didn’t go so far as healing the sick but he was a socialist.”


Speaking of portraying characters with a dark side, Pryce said:

“I don’t make a judgment about what they do, whether it’s good or bad. What you don’t want to do is comment on the character while you’re being them, or give too many suggestions that he’s a bad guy. I believe in the moment, in what the character is saying because he believes it’s the right thing to say.”

Now, we know Pryce as an actor that has done a variety of roles, including one of a Bond villain, but he apparently gets recognized as the “Game of Thrones actor”:

“I was touring Merchant of Venice in China and I stepped off a ferry on a small island off the mainland and was immediately pointed at as a Game of Thrones actor and I thought ‘you can’t escape from it’.”

Well, that’s Game of Thrones for you. What do you guys think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
