Game of Thrones has had a ton of mysteries, but perhaps the biggest one has been about one seemingly not-so-important character, Podrick. The story is that Podrick, portrayed...
Game of Thrones star Kit Harington rose to fame with his character Jon Snow and has become a household name ever since. Harington has come a long way,...
It has been quite some time since Game of Thrones finished its run on TV but the fever of Ice and Fire still excites a large part of...
It seems House of the Dragon actor Emma D’Arcy has reignited interest in the Negroni Sbagliato, following her infamously viral interview. Actor extraordinaire and cocktail-brewing sensation...
Emma D’Arcy has become a household name ever since they delivered a brilliant performance as House of the Dragon‘ Rhaenyra. The actor joined the show mid-season...
House of the Dragon Season 1 is finally out on both Blu-Ray as well as DVD. Season 1 of the HBO series can be purchased digitally...
House of the Dragon season 1 consistently gained new audiences throughout its run. And with that, many people are waiting for a glimpse of the next...
You would be right and wrong to call Daemon Targaryen from House of the Dragon, a good guy. He has won many viewers’ hearts because of...
House of the Dragon has been a roaring success, to say the least. Kylie Jenner recently did a 2022 “Year in Review” video on her Youtube...
Spoilers for House of the Dragon season 1 ahead! Luceys Velaryon’s death in the season finale of House of the Dragon shocked audiences across the globe,...