After doing small roles in television series, Milly Alcock finally landed a breakout role as young Rhaenyra Targaryen in HBO’s House of the Dragon. The show...
Ever wonder what Emilia Clarke, well known for her role as Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones, might look like if she were to play House...
The House of the Dragon ensemble cast is outstanding. Game of Thrones creator George R. R. Martin is equally astounded by them. Milly Alcock has joined...
Season 1 of House of the Dragon, the prequel to Game of Thrones, had viewers spellbound with its exhilarating storyline. George R.R. Martin’s storytelling, inspired by...
With his portrayal of Jon Snow on Game of Thrones, Kit Harington gained popularity and has since been well-known. Since then, Harington has advanced significantly, playing...
Every show needs a menacing presence to ignite fear and despair in viewers’ minds. Similar to Joffrey Baratheon and Ramsay Bolton in Game of Thrones, there’s...
A number of the actors and crew of Game of Thrones, including showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, moved on to work on other projects when...
Game of Thrones was the biggest show of the 21st century – a pop culture phenomenon. Its influence over TV and films is pretty well known....
Fans are aware that the Game of Thrones franchise does not hold back when showcasing its sexual tendencies, and the prequel House of the Dragon followed...
Game of Thrones has featured some of the most gory death sequences in television history. The crushing of Oberyn Martell’s head and Joffrey’s asphyxia due to...