Will there be no role of Iron Bank in Game of Thrones season 8?

Braavos – a beautiful free city situated in the continent of Essos, miles away from Westeros – the main setting for Game of Thrones, is home to two important guilds – the faceless men and the Iron Bank. But, according to the latest update, the Iron Bank will have minimal or no role at all in the final season.
Recently, Mark Gatiss, the actor who plays Tycho Nestoris – the representative of the Iron Bank, attended an interview with Shortlist. On being asked if he survives the final season of Game of Thrones, he replied:
“I’m not in it, so I guess I survive. Although they might just mention offhand that I’ve had my head bitten off by a dragon off-screen or something.”
The actor last appeared in two episodes of the seventh season namely ‘The Queen’s Justice’ and ‘The Spoils of War’ to discuss how the debts of the crown would be paid back. But, by Mark’s reply in the interview, we can infer with ‘a grain of salt’ that it’s possible that he won’t have much of a role to play in the final season with the main focus on the war between the living and the dead. Also, we can expect that either we’ll get him mentioned in the series once or he may even die off-screen.
The Iron Bank has stayed in the background for most of the seasons only being mentioned by major characters such as Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, and Olenna Tyrell. And, also Cersei sent Mace Tyrell with Ser Meryn Trant to Braavos back in season five to deal with the bank.
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But, the fact that the Iron Bank is richest and the most powerful bank in the whole known world of Ice and Fire can’t be ignored too. Also, we know that on the advice of Tycho Nestoris, Cersei summoned Euron Greyjoy to hire and ship in the army of mercenaries, the Golden Company, to help her win the wars.
So, what role you think the Iron Bank will play in the final season? Or, will it play no role at all? Tell us in the comments section.
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