September 30th, 1:37am September 30th, 1:37am Abhinav PathakFiction Writer and Editor Based In Bangalore | Author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’ Sansa Stark in the recent season of...
Jorah Mormont might be very loyal to his Khaleesi and we know that his love for her won’t be accounted even in the final season. The...
With the release of the second teaser of Game of Thrones Season 8 and the reveal of the exact airing date, we literally have less than...
This year ends with a number of surprises from HBO and Game of Thrones – firstly, a 3-second-long footage from the eighth season, then the first...
Former Game of Thrones star Richard Madden who played the role of Robb Stark until the third season in the series has gained a lot of...
Almost 85 days until the grand airing of the new season of Game of Thrones and yet the wait almost seems eternal. But, since we have...
There is no doubt that Game of Thrones is the biggest thing on TV and in popular media right now, and with millions of people watching...
Game of Thrones has had an impressive roster of characters. When it comes to loyalty (or getting friendzoned), Jorah Mormont‘s your man! Now, we know that...
January 16th, 2:06am January 16th, 2:06am Abhinav PathakFiction Writer and Editor Based In Bangalore | Author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’ We finally got the much-awaited second teaser...
Game of Thrones has been the first big break for a lot of the actors on the show, and some have literally grown up on the...