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Iain Glen talks about Jorah Mormont's search for Greyscale cure in Game of Thrones Season 7



Game of Thrones has had an impressive roster of characters. When it comes to loyalty (or getting friendzoned), Jorah Mormont‘s your man! Now, we know that Jorah has been slowly dying ever since he caught Greyscale. We saw Daenerys Targaryen order him to find a cure for it so that he could be at her side when she takes the seven kingdoms. Now, the Season 7 premiere that hit us on Sunday, showed Jorah at The Citadel. We only caught a glimpse of his arm, which looked really bad, so it seems like he’s not quite cured yet. Iain Glen, who plays the role of Jorah Mormont, recently spoke about Jorah’s quest for a cure. Read on!

Iain Glen recently spoke toVultureabout his Season 7 catch-up entry that didn’t get us a look at his face, but his arm, which looked quite spooky, and Iain says he knows how bad it is :

“It’s very advanced. I’m in trouble. No doubt about it, I’m in trouble.”


Apparently, Jorah Mormont’s Season 7 is going to be about Greyscale, and whether he can beat it. Iain said :

“I got to a point where I think I was quite happy to die, I suppose. I’d sort of given up hope because I’d lost her affection and lost her belief in me. And the last moment of our time together last season she said, ‘I need you, I need you to look after yourself, find a cure, so you can come back and be beside me when I occupy the Iron Throne.’ That’s my route, really, this season — to see if I can find a cure.”

So, do you think Jorah Mormont finds a cure to Greyscale and returns to Team Dany? Could Samwell Tarly‘s ventures into the restricted section of the Citadel library have anything to do with it? What do you think? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

  If you have any important filming news about House of the Dragon, or if you want to collaborate with us or want to write for us, please drop us a message here.  

Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
