Game of Thrones‘ audience is already awaiting the release of its prequel. House of The Dragon is on its track to be premiered in the year...
The final episode of the seventh season of Game of Thrones ended with the Night King finally breaching the Wall. But, the biggest question that remains...
Game of Thrones was an intense bit of television, and while the fans understand this, we tend to forget that it was way more intense for...
This has been the longest, harshest winter Game of Thrones fans have ever been forced to live through (if you can call this living). We thought...
Game of Thrones Season 8 has gotten a lot of hate, and it really seems unfair to the stars. In recent times, many of the stars...
Game of Thrones has faced a ton of criticism for the way it ended, especially with the final season getting some heavy criticism from the fans....
Game of Thrones season 8 is now less than 20 days away and both media and fan frenzy is reaching new heights. But there’s one thing...
“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”- A Shakespearean phrase perfectly sums up the world as a theatre. Game of...
It’s time to rejoice! After waiting for what feels like an eternity, Game Of Thrones fans finally know when the final season is going to air....
The first attempt at making something new doesn’t always succeed. When it comes to crafting a world as mystical as Game of Thrones, you can expect...