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Sophie Turner talks about the end of Game of Thrones and her final costume fitting



March 5th, 11:01pm March 5th, 11:01pm Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff writer at Wiki of Thrones.

Game of Thrones is ending. We have had the time to deal with this, and we have more, but for the stars on the show, it’s a much tougher job. Lately we have been getting quite a lot of cast interviews discussing how it is to have the show nearing its end very quickly, and we now have one more: Sophie Turner, who plays the role of Sansa Stark on the show, recently talked about her final costume fitting, and the end of the game. Read on!

Sophie recently spoke to Coveteur, and she discussed her plans after the show gets over. She was asked when the show will finish filming for Season 8, she said it was “too soon”:

“There are moments it doesn’t seem final. I had my final costume fitting the other day, and I was like, ‘Bye, guys.’ And they were like, ‘Wait! We might never see you again!’ After ten years, for someone to be like, ‘Hey, we probably won’t see you again,’ it’s really bizarre.”

She went on to talk about how the atmosphere on set was slowly changing:

“I think right now, we have a few months, so a lot of us are getting up in the fact that it’s another day, another day, another day,” she says. “Then people are like, ‘Bye!’ and you kind of get stunted, like, ‘Oh my God, she’s gone!’ And then another day, another day, another day… I think once it starts really wrapping up towards the summer, that’s when it’s going to start getting emotional.”


So there’s your answer: Season 8 will wrap around summer this year, and that means we still have a fair bit of filming left. Also, Sophie spoke about a custom fitting mid-filming, which would mean that she has multiple costumes this season, at the very least two. Maybe she takes over the North sometime, and becomes the Queen in the North? Could happen.

Sophie also spoke about life after Game of Thrones, and working more behind the screen:

“I would love to be a director in the future. My next movie that I’m doing, I’m producing as well. I’ve definitely caught the bug for behind-the-scenes and having that creative control. I’m excited to be something more than just an actress and to be able to make decisions on the character.”

Well, we’re certainly looking forward to that. What do you think? What are you expecting for Sansa Stark in Season 8? Talk to us in the comments, down below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
