Daenerys Targaryen’s story began as a young, oppressed banished princess. Her rise to the sky as the Dragon Queen, Mother of the Dragons is an incredible...
Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago. The show’s cast has moved on to newer projects already. It is always pleasant to see our...
The world is slowly trying to get back on its feet after the events of the Red Wedding year 2020. People are trying to maintain distance...
Even though the year 2020 wasn’t particularly a good one, people are still holding on. They are trying to get back on their feet and end...
The distribution of a movie or series is one of the last and important steps in its making. The more they reach, the better perceived it...
The world lost a great number of jewels from its crown this year. The Red Wedding year took so many lives, people are struggling to keep...
The Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago. Fans all over the world miss the series dearly. Earlier this year HBO stirred up hopes...
The human race has often been divided and fought amongst themselves throughout history. Sometimes they fight over religion, colour, money and throne (like in Game of...
One of the many benefits of being the star of a popular franchise is the amount of attention you get. Famous brands of clothing, apparels, jewellery...
The past two decades saw the rise of superhero movies on the box office that made millions. These movies are the trendsetters now, we often see...