Some stars have such an enigmatic aura, you’re left mesmerized by them even if it’s for a significantly small role. They become the face of the...
Game of Thrones was famous for showcasing some of the most shocking and gruesome deaths in television history. George R. R. Martin’s infamous style of killing off fan-favorite...
There are some roles that an actor is said to be born for. When you look at a story, you read about a character, you picture...
Filming a big project is like a huge gamble, you don’t know if it will pay off, you just have to work on your intuition. Sometimes...
Game of Thrones stars have been landing major roles in almost every big franchise ever since the show got hit. From Marvel to DC and other great...
Game of Thrones has had a lot of iconic characters over the years, but if we’re speaking in terms of physical strength, The Mountain wins without a doubt. Hafthor Bjornsson,...
Great franchises like the MCU and Game of Thrones have a lot of machinery that works in tandem to bring out the amazing shows that we...
Game of Thrones is a pop culture icon and finds its way to being referenced in the most creative ways in political speeches, other shows and films, and...
The COVID pandemic has taken a lot of lives. Many of us have lost our near and dear ones. It is an inexplicable pain that persists in...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is right around the corner, and fans worldwide are excited to return to the world of Westeros. However, one thing is for...