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“He’s absolutely lovely!”- Game of Thrones Extra Andrew McClay talks about Kit Harington



0_screen-shot-2021-04-17-at-135945-9281205 April 24th, 4:40am April 24th, 4:48am Sayantan ChoudharyWriter, tutor, nerd, obsessed with Game of Thrones.

The cordial relationship between the cast and the crew of production often influence the success of the show. Recently, one such story came up about Kit Harington. In an interview with the Irish Mirror, Game of Thrones extra Andrew McClay talked about how nice he was to everyone on set.

McClay talked about the moment he gave Kit a ‘King in The North’ jacket, “Oh yeah, I had to give him a Season 8 jacket too because as you see in the documentary, I mentioned to him that we have a new one for Season 8. He came to me then after the cameras stopped rolling and we’re talking about the new jacket. So I had to send it over to London for him and he sent me back a lovely message thanking me, he’s absolutely lovely. “


“I loved being able to give that jacket to him because he’s just a lovely man and during the time working on the show, he just embodied Jon Snow for me. For me, Kit is the King in the North and for the Season 8 jacket, I had ‘The King Beyond the Wall’ written on the sleeve. He told me that he loved that touch. “

“I always used to look at Kit and say to myself, ‘he is Jon Snow.’ That’s why I got him the jacket because I love that character and these books. To me, I was so happy to give him that because it was my way of saying thank you for bringing my favourite character off the pages and onto the screen. He did it so well.”

What do you think of Kit Harington as Jon Snow? Tell us in the comments below!

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Founder at Wiki of Thrones and a full-time Game of Thrones fan who does other work when he has finished reading and writing about Game of Thrones and also dreams about playing a role in the show.
