The Red Wedding remains one of the most horrifying and gruesome episodes in Game of Thrones history. The inspiration for the loathsome butchering of Robb Stark, his wife and his mother...
George R. R. Martin has fathered one of the most beloved fantastical realms of all time, full of characters and creatures that have truly enamored the...
The first season of House of the Dragon has left fans wanting more, and the show had been renewed for a second chapter even before the season...
House of The Dragon Season 1 combined the best of everything we have come to love about the Game of Thrones franchise. Love, lust, loss, fear, blood, deception,...
HBO’s new big hit The Last of Us is one of the most successful shows on the television network to date. The second season is on the...
For the past couple of months, HBO has been ruling the television circuit with incredible shows that are breaking record after record. While 2022 ended with...
Game of Thrones adorned the crown of the best TV show of the 21st century, and the crown was star-studded with some of the best talents across...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon’s biggest competitor is Amazon’s The Lord of The Rings series: The Rings of Power. Though House of The Dragon outshined Rings of...
Rose Leslie and Kit Harington are one of the most adorable celebrity couples, having fallen in love back when they were filming for Game of Thrones together and were also an...
The year 2023 has been especially fruitful for renowned actor Pedro Pascal. Beginning the year with a bang in HBO’s The Last of Us, the Game of...