Readers of George R. R. Martin‘s books and viewers of his television shows have been utterly captivated by the characters and creatures that inhabit one of...
The Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon is about to become a terrifying hurricane that will swallow up all of Westeros. As is typical...
Few characters in Game of Thrones‘ history are as captivating as Steve Toussaint‘s portrayal of Corlys Velaryon, the Lord of the Tides, in the prequel House...
The second season of House of the Dragon has wrapped filming at Leavesden Studios in the United Kingdom. Post-production is moving quickly, and we’re learning new...
Without a doubt, one of the most well-known actors from Game of Thrones is Emilia Clarke. The actress, 37, shot to fame in the HBO epic...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon Season 2 will be coming out very soon. Like its predecessor, fans have poured love into the fantasy...
A Song of Ice and Fire fans have been eagerly awaiting George R. R. Martin‘s follow-up book, The Winds of Winter. More than a decade has...
One of the great things about Game of Thrones was that it featured some of the strongest female characters ever. Memories will always be etched with...
We’re getting close, sooner than we anticipated, to the second season of the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon. HBO has intensified its endeavors...
One of the best things about the Game of Thrones television series has always been the character casting. They’ve even impressed George R. R. Martin, the...