The story of Game of Thrones becomes even more intriguing as fans come to know of more secrets about the show. Entertainment Weekly editor James Hibberd’s...
The year 2020 was a Red Wedding for humanity. In times like these, we often wish for a superhero to have existed in reality. Even though...
Some actors are known to be a certified marker for the success of a show. Their performance is so fabulous, the audience is often attracted to...
Most of the celebrities we see on the big screen started from humble beginnings. Some of the Game of Thrones stars joined the series young. They...
Even though the year 2020 has been a Long Night for humanity, a few good news did light up the dark skies. For example, all the...
Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago, leaving fans and the cast emotionally wrecked, alike. Fans miss the amazing fantasy show dearly. The cast,...
Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago. The cast and crew of the show have moved on to new ventures. Most have started working...
The production of a movie or a series is no easy task. The process utilizes a lot of time and resources, along with hard work and...
Co-stars working for a studio often clash on-set. For example, Ian McShane and Rory McCann once clashed on Game of Thrones’ set over a burger. Sometimes...
An actor needs to interact with the camera, co-stars and objects on the set to make the most out of their performance. There are times when...