It has been 10 years since Game of Thrones first aired on HBO. The show’s graphic scenery was simply breathtaking. Most of the locations where the...
Game of Thrones was a mystical journey for both the fans and the cast alike. The fantastical series was a blissful escape from reality for a...
When it comes to saving the environment, every little step counts. Using recycled goods reduces great amounts of stress on our waste management system. Recycling practices...
The year 2021 has been an eventful one for TV and movie fans, apart from the second COVID-19 outbreak. The long-awaited Zack Snyder’s Justice League finally...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) causes debilitating mental strain to millions of people worldwide. It often hampers personal growth and ability to work at full potential owing...
The year 2021 has been eventful for Game of Thrones fans all over the world. HBO is celebrating the month of April as the Iron Anniversary...
Game of Thrones was an astonishing tale that amassed record viewership in the past decade. The fantastical drama was an indispensable part of life for both...
It is always fun to see our favourite stars team up on the big screen. Game of Thrones boasted a host of highly talented actors. Veteran...
The epic show Game of Thrones was infamous for killing off some of the best fan-favourite characters. These gruesome deaths helped to generate motive and a...
Superhero shows and movies are ruling the current trend of the fantasy genre. The audience all over the world is thrilled to see their favourite superheroes...