Video Games and TV show/movie franchises have often worked together to bring out the best of their respective worlds, providing the fans with the ultimate experience. The...
One of the more recent entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s ever-expanding roster, the Eternals, garnered mixed reviews from the critics, but has been liked overall by the...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is one of the most highly anticipated shows of 2022. With the series currently in post-production, we can now expect the...
Game of Thrones ended nearly two years ago. The cast and crew of the show have moved on to newer ventures. Most have begun working on...
There are some roles that an artist is said to be born for. When you look at a story, you read about a character, you picture...
Game of Thrones featured some of the most graphic and tragic death scenes in television history. However, the death of Shireen Baratheon, played by Kerry Ingram,...
Doctor Who remains one of the most iconic sci-fi shows of all time. The actor who plays the titular role gets his name inscribed in the...
Game of Thrones had several characters who started off as little kids and later blossomed into the bold personas we know and love so much. The...
Creativity can be found in the most unexpected of places. The motivation to build something different often arises from an idea one loves dearly. One particular Game...
The more versatile an artist is, the more coveted they are. Game of Thrones has produced some of the brightest gems in the acting industry, some of them...