The finest show to premiere in 2022 was unarguably House of the Dragon, with Paddy Considine shining brightest in its crown. Considine’s portrayal of Viserys Targaryen...
George R.R. Martin is known to use a lot of historical inspiration for his writing. From the Wall and the Night’s Watch to all the way...
The recent completion of filming in Wales for the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon means that all outdoor work on the next HBO...
The development of the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon is well underway. We’ve previously seen photos of new sets being built at Leavesden...
Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin last released a book from the main series 12 years ago. He has kept himself busy with a lot...
Game of Thrones has always had a knack for commercialization, and while the programme has ended, the merchandise goes on. Funko, a firm that creates the...
Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon just wrapped up filming in Wales, wrapping up all outdoor shots for the new HBO epic. Having already...
Regular set leaks show how quickly the Game of Thrones prequel House of the Dragon is being produced. Being one of the very few shows unaffected...
The character casting in the Game of Thrones series has always been one of its strongest qualities. Even GOTverse creator George R. R. Martin is in...
Viewers are anxiously awaiting to see what happens to the dowager Queen Alicent Hightower in the forthcoming episodes of the House of the Dragon series, which...