For both the actors of Game of Thrones and its audience, it was a transformative experience. After the show’s production was over, a number of the...
The morally gray characters from George R. R. Martin‘s Fire & Blood, the novel that inspired House of the Dragon, won over fans during its first...
Several of the actors on Game of Thrones began very young before blossoming into the bold personalities we have come to know and love today. As...
Having played several well-known roles throughout the years, Peter Dinklage is among the most recognizable faces in the film industry today. Peter Dinklage has come a...
Jon Snow is a character whose journey fans closely followed for the entirety of the show Game of Thrones. The supposed bastard son of Ned Stark,...
The casting of House of the Dragon has succeeded in captivating the audience. Although Gavin Spokes, who played Ser Lyonel Strong as the Hand of King...
The second season of House of the Dragon is slowly coming together, and in order to make the show better, several post-production cuts are being made....
Game of Thrones served as a launchpad for some of the most talented stars in the acting industry. Actors from the series have gone on to...
To the joy of fans, House of the Dragon‘s second season will debut in the summer of 2024. A plethora of new characters from Westeros’ past...
An artist gains popularity based on their versatility. The HBO hit Game of Thrones is the origin of some of the industry’s best actors, including some...