Parenthood is one of the most pleasing but also painstaking experiences in one’s life. Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner, who played Sansa Stark on the show, welcomed...
Game of Thrones featured a lot of unrequited love as well as abusive relationships. The show took inspiration from the real world, and though it was...
Game of Thrones might be over, but George R. R. Martin is still out there rocking it. While all of us have been waiting for The Winds of Winter, that’s...
Game of Thrones was the most celebrated show of the 21st century. The fantastical drama set the bar for quality TV shows really high. The series was...
Game of Thrones Season 8 wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. The season finale divided the fan base into two. One was satisfied with the ending, the other...
Actor Matt Smith is one talented and lucky chap; he has been/is going to be a part of three of the most famous franchises in the...
Learning a new language is a fairly difficult task, let alone learning a fictional language. Getting the intonations and pronunciations to the point takes months of...
Time-Traveling has been a prime fantasy topic ever since human beings learned the concept of time and space. Notable authors like H. G. Wells (author of The Time...
The 2022 Oscars ceremony was remarkable and noteworthy for a number of reasons. From Will Smith winning his first Academy Award ever, to Jason Momoa’s well-timed...
Sometimes a show becomes so popular, that it often hides other accomplishments of its cast. The show becomes their identity, people often recognize them by their...