For his Esquire interview, Fabien Frankel analyzes some of the show’s memorable moments. The 28-year-old actor, who portrays Ser Criston Cole in House of the Dragon...
House of The Dragon episode 8 ‘The Lord of the Tides’ was one of the most emotional chapters yet in the history of Game of Thrones. It leaves so many...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon has been a roller coaster ride so far, with barely any moments to catch a break. Every episode...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is the most hyped show of 2022. So far it has checked out all the parameters that were placed before...
Game of Thrones Season 8 wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. The season finale divided the fan base into two. One was satisfied with the ending, the other...
The eighth episode of Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is finally here. It was anticipated for a long time, being a significant point in the storyline...
House of the Dragon is nearing the end of Season 1, and stuff is starting to heat up. HBO hasn’t been holding back with the teasers,...
In A Song of Ice and Fire, Aegon’s prophecy is about to cause one of the worst wars in Westerosi history. Although nothing of this sort...
Microsoft’s game subscription service PC Game Pass, tech company Razer and HBO are joining forces. Together, they have created an exclusive custom gaming throne, based on...
If House of the Dragon follows in its predecessor, Game of Thrones‘ footsteps, then the show’s penultimate episode, “The Green Council,” will be the best and...