September 8th, 2:49am September 9th, 10:15pm Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. The new season of Game...
Game of Thrones has had magnificent sets throughout the length of the show. As we recently reported, production designer Deborah Riley was the co-recipient of the...
September 5th, 2:35am September 5th, 2:35am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Although the Knight of Flowers...
September 5th, 2:29am September 5th, 2:29am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Initially hated as a character...
Game of Thrones Season 7 finale was a stunner and it was filled with some really exciting scenes from the start till the end! Titled ‘The...
Game of Thrones season 7 is finally over and as usual, we would like to know which were the most and least favourite scenes from the...
September 7th, 1:09am September 7th, 1:09am Abhinav Pathak22, Game of Thrones geek, Passionate Fiction Writer and the author of ‘Gopalkant’s Wife’. Emilia Clarke is a multi-talented...
September 1st, 8:31am September 4th, 2:02am Palash Volvoikar21. Goan. Full-time Geek. Failing in college while you fail in life. Staff writer at Wiki of Thrones. Game...
Game of Thrones is famous for the stack of dead characters it hosts and with the number of people dying here and there in every season,...
During the finale episode of Game of Thrones season 6, we saw a lot of jaw-dropping moments, and since there were so many new developments in...