Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been largely successful in wooing its audience, breaking records in terms of popularity, viewership, and box office earnings. The latest installment to...
Game of Thrones stars are a close-knit bunch. Many of them are close friends in real life, like former on-screen brothers Richard Madden and Kit Harington, who played Robb Stark and Jon...
Game of Thrones star Kit Harington rose to fame with his role Jon Snow, and has become a household name ever since. Harington has come a long way ever since,...
Marvel Cinematic Universe’s latest phase 4 movie Eternals is closing in, and fans all over the world are looking forward to witnessing a little Game of Thrones union onscreen....
MCU’s latest movie Eternals is closing in, and fans all over the world are looking forward to witnessing a little Game of Thrones union onscreen. Game of Thrones alums Richard Madden and Kit...
Dune is one of the most promising sci-fi movies of this year, and if successful we might be looking at one of the best fantasy-based movie series...
Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is on its way, and we might get more glimpses of the highly awaited series very soon. Fans...
23rd October was an important day for Game of Thrones fans all over the world. It is the birthday of one of the biggest stars of...
The filming for Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon might have hit a bit of a snag for now, as an important crew member...
Filming for Game of Thrones prequel House of The Dragon is moving very swiftly, as evident from the frequent leaks we’re witnessing with every passing day....