The fantasy show of the century filled with British accents, Game of Thrones, is undoubtedly loved by the English. The show is based on books inspired...
Lady Olenna Tyrell was not one to be messed with. She was a sensation among the Game of Thrones audience for speaking her mind, and saying...
In the latest episode of House of the Dragon, Princess Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen had a steamy make-out scene. While the scene almost shocked every viewer,...
Azor Ahai is said to be the most legendary heroic figure in Essos. He was the chosen one who fought the darkness caused by the Great...
BossLogic, an artist, has created crossover art for The Witcher and Game of Thrones that put Geralt of Rivia (played by Henry Cavill) into House of...
House of The Dragon is now premiering exclusively on HBO and HBO Max. The series has been quite challenging to produce after all. It is primarily...
The War for the Stepstones is Corlys Velaryon‘s time to shine. He’s the Lord of Driftmark, head of House Velaryon, and one of the most influential...
The cast of teen characters on HBO’s Game of Thrones, like Arya Stark and Daenerys Targaryen, was played by the same actor from the pilot to...
House of the Dragon, the new Game of Thrones prequel, began airing exclusively on HBO and HBO Max last week. Unfortunately, the first episode was leaked...
House of the Dragon premiered last week, ending a long, long wait. However, when it dropped, the show’s pilot episode was missing a crucial bit —...