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Who is Lord Bloodraven, the Three Eyed Crow? Daemon’s Harrenhal vision explained

The Three-Eyed Crow returns.



Credit: HBO

In the history of the Seven Kingdoms, many legendary characters crop up that have an effect on the fate of the land. Each of these characters usually plays a part in a specific event in the history of Westeros.

Yet some transcend the borders of history and become an integral part of the world itself. Such a character is Brynden Rivers, also known as Bloodraven. George R.R. Martin has mentioned his exploits in not only the Tales of Dunk and Egg but also the books that were the basis for Game of Thrones. He is one of the few characters in the series who seems to have moved beyond death through the use of what we can only assume is sorcery or magic.

House of the Dragon gives us the first appearance of a young Bloodraven in Daemon’s vision at Harrenhal. However, he has also appeared in Game of Thrones as an older version known as the Three-Eyed Raven. This article will tell us everything we need to know about Lord Bloodraven.

📜Quick Details:

Master of whisperers
Hand of the King
Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch

Also known as:
Lord Bloodraven
Lord Rivers
The last greenseer
The three-eyed crow
Lord Brynden

Born: In 175 AC, King’s Landing

House: House Targaryen

Culture: Crownlands and Riverlands

House Targaryen
Night’s Watch

Father: King Aegon IV Targaryen

Mother: Lady Melissa Blackwood

Mya Rivers
Gwenys Rivers
Aegor Rivers
Daemon Blackfyre
Shiera Seastar

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Who was Lord Bloodraven?


Credits: Amok

Brynden Rivers, known as Bloodraven, was the illegitimate child of King Aegon IV Targaryen and Lady Melissa Blackwood. His birth led to him becoming one of the Great Bastards, who were the sons and daughters of Aegon IV with noblewomen.

Brynden was born an albino with milk-white skin, long white hair, and red eyes. His most distinguishing feature was a red wine stain birthmark on the right side of his face, from his throat to his cheek. Many believed that the birthmark resembled a raven drawn in blood, which earned the boy the name ‘Bloodraven.’

 Brynden was thin and gaunt and stood at just under six feet tall. Brynden lost an eye during one of the Blackfyre Rebellions, and he preferred to display the scar and empty socket rather than use an eyepatch.

Early Life


Credits: kethryn

Brynden Rivers was born in King’s Landing in 175 AC. His father was King Aegon IV Targaryen, also known as Aegon the Unworthy. His mother was Aegon IV’s sixth mistress, Lady Melissa Blackwood.

Aegon IV’s fifth mistress had been Lady Barba Bracken, who had a son named Aegor “Bittersteel” Rivers. The rivalry between Bittersteel and Bloodraven was as well known as the rivalry between the Brackens and Blackwoods.

Brynden became the lover of his half-sister, Shiera Seastar, whom Aegor also desired. Brynden was a fierce admirer of Shiera throughout his life. King Aegon IV legitimized Brynden along with his other half-siblings on his deathbed.

Read More: Game of Thrones history summarised in 50 sentences

First Blackfyre Rebellion


Credits: Rae Lavergne

Aegon IV’s legitimate son ascended the throne as Daeron II Targaryen. Over the years, Daemon’s supporters grew, and he finally rebelled against Daeron II. During this time, Bloodraven stayed loyal to Daeron II and the crown.

This period saw the formation of Bloodraven’s personal guard, a group of longbowmen called the Raven’s Teeth. Bloodraven fought in the Battle of the Redgrass Field, where people said that he used sorcery to drive the arrows shot by the Raven’s Teeth.

The rain of arrows killed Daemon Blackfyre, as well as his twin sons, Aegon and Aemon. For this act, people named Bloodraven a kinslayer. Bloodraven and Bittersteel dueled each other in single combat. This duel was where Bloodraven lost his eye, though Bittersteel was ultimately forced to retreat in the end.

Second Blackfyre Rebellion

The second Blackfyre Rebellion was short-lived. During this time, Bloodraven was the Hand of the King to King Aerys I, son of Daeron II.

A tournament was being held at the castle of Whitewalls in the Riverlands to support Daemon Blackfyre’s third son. Bloodraven was aware of the conspiracy, as he had spies planted at the wedding. Ser Duncan the Tall and his squire, Prince Aegon Targaryen, discovered the conspiracy at the wedding tournament.

Bloodraven marched on the gathered host with an army of over five thousand men. The leader of the rebellion, Daemon II, challenged Bloodraven to single combat, but he refused.

Third Blackfyre Rebellion

Bittersteel vs Bloodraven by Jota Saraiva

Credit: Jota Saraiva

For the second time, Bloodraven and Bittersteel fought each other in single combat. The battle ended after Haegon I surrendered and gave up his sword.

The royal army took Bittersteel as a captive to King’s Landing. Bloodraven insisted that King Aerys execute Bittersteel, but the king chose to send him to the Night’s Watch. Bittersteel’s ship was intercepted on the way to Eastwatch, but he managed to escape back to Essos.

Read More: Here’s everything you need to know about the Three-Eyed Raven

Political Career

Bloodraven receiving Dark Sister from Daeron II by Naomi Buttelo

Credit: Naomi Buttelo

Bloodraven served as the Hand of the King to multiple Targaryen kings. He was known as a spymaster with a vast network of informants. There was a popular saying about him: “How many eyes does Lord Bloodraven have? A thousand eyes and one.”

Downfall and Exile

Bloodraven displays the head of Aenys Blackfyre by Jota Saraiva

Credit: Jota Saraiva

Bloodraven organized a meeting and invited Aenys Blackfyre to King’s Landing under the pretense of peace. However, he had the gold cloaks seize and behead Aenys. He presented the head of Aenys to the lords at the Great Council as a warning to any remaining Blackfyre sympathizers.

King Aegon V felt that Bloodraven had broken the sanctity of the Iron Throne’s word. He sent Bloodraven to the Night’s Watch.

Lord Bloodraven Beyond the Wall

Bloodraven was eventually elected the Commander of the Night’s Watch. In 252 AC, he disappeared while ranging beyond the Wall. After the War of Five Kings caused by King Robert Baratheon’s death, Brandon Stark discovered Bloodraven beyond the Wall.

Bloodraven now lived alongside the children of the forest in a cave beyond the Wall as the last greenseer, known as the three-eyed crow. He then became Bran’s mentor in the art of greensight and skinchanging.

Weapons and Abilities

Lord Commander Brynden Rivers of the Night's Watch - by Mike Hallstein

Credit: Mike Hallstein

Bloodraven wielded the Valyrian steel sword Dark Sister. He was a skilled archer, preferring a tall weirwood longbow. He was rumored to possess magical abilities, including greensight and skin-changing


Bloodraven by Naomi Buttelo

Credit: Naomi Buttelo

Bloodraven played a crucial role in suppressing the Blackfyre Rebellions. He influenced Westerosi politics for decades as Hand of the King and spymaster. He continued to shape events as the Three-Eyed Crow, guiding Bran Stark.

In the Show

Bloodraven in House of the Dragon and Game of Thrones

Credit: HBO

Bloodraven had his first appearance as a young man in Daemon’s vision at Harrenhal (House of the Dragon). He then appeared as the older Three-Eyed Raven in Game of Thrones

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Ved Prabhudesai is an avid enthusiast of all things pop culture. He has a special interest in the field of animation and art, with a background in Fine Arts and Digital Media Arts. He has begun his first into the field of Entertainment Journalism with Wiki of Thrones, and has been writing for them since 2023. He also has experience working as a screenplay writer, animator and comic book artist. His hobbies include holding discussions and organising events focused around pop culture, dissecting the importance of media in today's world. He began reading A Song Of Ice And Fire shortly before Game of Thrones debuted on HBO. He has followed the series religiously and has spent hours reading Wikis learning about Targaryen history and possible plot points we will see in the Winds of Winter.


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