After the tragic end of episode 5, which finally revealed the true meaning of Hodor and how a young Wylis became Hodor, we have the official...
Arya Starkhas been the resident badass of Game of Thrones since the beginning of the show, and now that she has become a serious faceless assassin...
Game of Thrones season 6 is almost over and now only the last 2 episodes are remaining. Episode 9 is titled “Battle of the Bastards” and...
Game of Thrones season 6 is fast becoming the season of returns. With every episode we are seeing one or the other character returning to the...
Game of Thrones is a complicated show, and the amount of detail that often goes into planning a plot point. Now, we all know that the...
Ed Sheeran got a lot of hate for his cameo in season 7 episode 1, “Dragonstone”. Fans weren’t too happy with the choice to cast the...
Game of Thrones is a bold show in many ways, and one of them is the lack of hesitation in killing off even the (seemingly) most...
Game of Thrones has had a spectacular cast over the years, with sone renown actors adding the show as a major achievement on their résumés, while...
As most of you already know, HBO is facing a massive leak right now, with a bunch of hackers claiming to have stolen a lot of...
SPOILER ALERT! This post contains some unconfirmed information that might be a major spoiler for Game of Thrones Season 7. Proceed at your own risk! Game...