Game of Thrones ended more than a year ago. The cast and crew of the show have moved on to new ventures. Most have started working...
The production of a movie or a series is no easy task. The process utilizes a lot of time and resources, along with hard work and...
Co-stars working for a studio often clash on-set. For example, Ian McShane and Rory McCann once clashed on Game of Thrones’ set over a burger. Sometimes...
An actor needs to interact with the camera, co-stars and objects on the set to make the most out of their performance. There are times when...
Game of Thrones is undoubtedly the biggest TV show to ever film, both in terms of budget and viewership. If it was not for HBO, the...
Since the new book of A Song of Ice and Fire, The Winds of Winter, by George R.R Martin is far away from releasing any time...
The final season of Game of Thrones was a controversial one. Season 8 divided the fanbase into two, one loved it, and the other seeking to...
Game of Thrones boasted a great collection of some of the best villains in television history. An ambitious villain makes the viewers praise his motivations, while some...
Game of Thrones was a life-changing experience for both the fans and the cast of the show. Many of the stars have moved onto new projects...
Game of Thrones reflected real life in more ways than one. Jaime Lannister represented the path to redemption, and his death was an example of how...