The epic show Game of Thrones was infamous for killing off some of the best fan-favourite characters. These gruesome deaths helped to generate motive and a...
Superhero shows and movies are ruling the current trend of the fantasy genre. The audience all over the world is thrilled to see their favourite superheroes...
I don’t think many people are aware of this but Isaac Hempstead Wright, the actor who portrays one of the most loved and crucial characters on...
Fantasy is a blissful escape from bleak reality. The COVID-19 pandemic is on the rise again, and the world economy is in ruins. People rely on...
Tourism contributes a lot to a country’s economy. It helps to spread awareness about its rich culture and heritage. Northern Ireland is a major centre of...
Game of Thrones ended nearly two years ago. The show kept the viewers hooked for nearly a decade. The story of the fantastical epic was brought...
Game of Thrones showcased some of the finest warriors in fantastical television history. Out of all the warriors on the show, Ser Gregor Clegane (The Mountain)...
Paparazzi are known to be on the lookout for any kind of celebrity news 24×7. They often go to extreme lengths, sometimes even spy on their...
The Game of Thrones family was blessed with a number of babies last year. Hafthor Björnsson welcomed his newborn with his wife Kelsey Henson. Sophie Turner...
Game of Thrones was an enchanting journey that lasted for nearly a decade. Some of the show’s cast was very young when the show began. They...