Game of Thrones first premiered on HBO ten years ago on April 17, 2011. The show has been dubbed as the greatest TV show of the...
There are some roles that an artist is said to be born for. When you look at a story, you read about a character, you picture...
The shock of the Game of Thrones ending was too much for some of the fans; who labeled it with tags like simplistic, rushed, and bizarre....
Mental health is one of the most overlooked aspects of today’s fast-paced life. It is often hard for people to open up about mental issues. Those...
Sherlock Holmes is one of the biggest pop culture icons of all times. We have already seen a number of adaptations of everyone’s favourite detective. A...
Artists who have worked for a show have often admitted to feelings of attachment to the set. No matter how professional you are, when you’ve worked...
It is always fun to see our favourite actors play out radically different roles. Iain Glenn, who played the honourable and heroic Ser Jorah Mormont, was...
We are living in the 21st century, and with all the technological advancements humanity has witnessed we still can’t guarantee the safety of the other half...
The Red Wedding year 2020 was a particularly depressing one in more than one ways. However, it was eventful for Game of Thrones fans all over the...
Game of Thrones will witness its 10-year anniversary on 17th this month. Fans of the show dearly miss the excitement of watching a new episode every...