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Gandalf would kick Dumbledore’s ass in a fight, says George R. R. Martin



Gandalf would kick Dumbledore's ass in a fight, says George R. R. Martin

Game of Thrones is based on the fantasy novels by George R. R. Martin, who often talks about how much of an influence Lord of the Rings creator J. R. R. Tolkien (how many of you knew his name is John Ronald Reuel Tolkien?) has been on his work and he has even compared Lord of the Ring’s Gandalf to Harry Potter’s Dumbledore. Read on!

Gandalf and Dumbledore have often been compared in the past, with both of them having magical powers, and awesome beards, not to forget the fact that Ian McKellen, who played Gandalf, also had a chance to play Dumbledore, which he turned down. At the premiere of J. R. R. Tolkien’s biographical film, Tolkien, George was a guest, and he discussed Tolkien’s impact and influence on his own work.

Also Read: George R. R. Martin discusses how J.R.R. Tolkien inspired world-building in Game of Thrones

Lily Collins who plays Tolkien's wife, Edith Bratt

Lily Collins who plays Tolkien’s wife, Edith Bratt, was asked about her favourite book series during the event and she shared that the Harry Potter book series was close to her heart. To which George R.R. Martin responded, “Gandalf could kick Dumbledore’s ass in a fight!
Do you think Gandalf is stronger than Dumbledore?x

While this is debatable, given the two worlds have very different settings, but George has a great grasp over fantasy, and if he says this, then it must mean that he has thought it out.

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What do you guys think? Could Gandalf beat Dumbledore?


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