When Game of Thrones first aired, Sean Bean’s Ned Stark was one of the most beloved characters on the show. Alas, his character didn’t survive the...
It has been quite a while since we got a new book from George R. R. Martin in the A Song of Ice and Fire series,...
Some actors in Hollywood are famous for their macho style. Jason Momoa has made a name for himself in that category, in each of his roles....
Emilia Clarke is one of the most familiar faces from the vast cast of Game of Thrones. Though she is famous mostly for her role ‘Daenerys...
Working on a project as big as Game of Thrones is a once in a lifetime experience. The fame that comes with being part of something...
Every year, A Song of Ice and Fire fans used to gather at the Con of Thrones to celebrate their love for the land of Westeros....
Game of Thrones celebrities are seizing some of the biggest roles in the entertainment industry out there. Many of them have been associated with the Marvel...
Game of Thrones has often been described as the biggest blockbuster show of the past decade. The show was based on the highly popular novel series...
Dragons are intelligent creatures. They can be trained to serve as battle mounts and understand vocal commands. They are said to be capricious and have to...
Game of Thrones rose to fame in the last decade due to its amazing storyline, engaging characters and realistic battle scenes. There is hardly anyone on...